Woman Brings 50-Pound Pit Bull on a Plane and Gets Roasted by Social Media for It

Published June 20 2023, 8:35 p.m. ET

We could all agree that getting flewed out is good for the soul.
Burnout is real and nothing says reset like a trip out of town … but it’s not always sunshine and rainbows while you’re up in the air. Our studies show that depending on your airline and travel destination of choice, your getaway can go from bad to worse real quick.
In the past, you’d have to ride a bus or a subway to see some action between your public transportation peers, but these days, the airport is the place where all the drama pops off — just ask Twitter user @just_juanie.
In a now-viral thread, Juanie shared the story of the woman who brought her pit bull on a plane …

Wait, did this passenger *really* bring their pit bull on a flight?
According to our good sis Juanie, she was just trying to make it to her destination when foolishness ensued.
It’s not uncommon for people to travel with their pets — after all, they’re part of the family. What is uncommon is to see a 50-pound pit bull named Binky on someone’s lap in the seat next to you on a packed plane.
When Juanie was put in this predicament, she took to Twitter to document her experience.
“So…I’m next to a [white] girl who just asked if I would give up my seat for her pit bull,” she tweeted. “When I got to my seat she had the pit bull in my seat. And now she’s acting like I’m unreasonable.”
She went on to post video footage of the incident, which was bizarre, to say the least. “What was the reason,” she captioned a photo of the dog sprawled out across the woman’s lap.
Over the course of the hours-long flight, things only got worse.
"This flight is four hours and some change and the dog is now restless,” she continued, adding that although the dog had been “non-problematic,” the same could not be said for Binky’s owner.
“It isn’t the dog’s fault. [I’m] genuinely upset that this was allowed by [Delta Airlines] because as far as I’m concerned [its] their fault. Me and the woman on the aisle now have dog hair on us. It’s just too much.”
To add insult to injury, Juanie also captured footage of the woman taking a pull of her vape in plane sight (all puns intended.) Despite the ruckus, her behavior was ignored by the attendants … and we can’t help but wonder how the pit bull-wielding passenger was able to fly under the radar.
Distracify reached out to Delta Airlines, who assured customers that Juanie’s concerns are under investigation.
“With the exception of approved service animals, Delta requires that all pets brought on board must be able to fit in a small, ventilated pet carrier that fits under the seat in front of you,” the airline told us via email.
“What is displayed in these videos, including the customer’s use of a personal vaporizer device, is both in violation of Delta and federal policy,” the Delta rep added.
“We are currently conducting an internal investigation and apologize to the customers inconvenienced by this situation.”
Additionally, Delta reached out to Juanie on Twitter to further discuss what went down.