Pixar's 'Kitbull' Tells the Tear-Jerking Story of an Unlikely Friendship

Updated Nov. 5 2019, 11:16 a.m. ET
Since Up was released back in 2009, I've stopped watching Pixar movies in public. Coco quite literally made me ugly cry, and don't even get me started with Inside Out.
And the renowned animation studio released another heart-wrenching short film in early 2019 about two unlikely friends, that will — once again — have you reaching for those tissues. Seriously — Pixar's cat and pit bull duo in their latest production, Kitbull, will truly tug at those heartstrings.
Pixar's Kitbull is about the sweetest friendship ever between a cat and a pit bull.
Kitbull is a tragic (yet seriously beautiful) story directed by Rosana Sullivan, about a stray cat and an abused pit bull who form an unlikely friendship. In the beginning, the cat is scared of the pit bull, who — despite his intimidating stature — seemingly wants to form a friendship.
But when the shoe-box-dwelling cat witnesses the pit bull's unfortunate situation, the cat decides to push past his anxieties, and befriend the pit bull. Eventually, the two are able to escape from their unfortunate situations, and they come across a loving couple. And while the couple is quick to take in the stray cat, they are initially hesitant to accept the pit bull for who he is.
But after realizing the pit bull is simply seeking out kindness and love, the couple happily adopts both animals. Watch it for yourself if you haven't already, and remember to keep those tissues well within reaching distance.
It tackles the issue of animal abuse...
We don't know if the cat ran away from an unfortunate home life, or if it was born into its feral lifestyle, and clearly, the pit bull escaped a very bad situation.
But it brings the topic of animal abuse to light, while emphasizing the importance of adopting animals in need, who may come from miserable situations like these incredible animals.
... As well as the negative stigma surrounding pit bulls.
Kitbull also brings to light the negative stigma regarding pit bulls — in the beginning, the cat and the loving humans who ultimately adopt him are hesitant about the beloved doggo.
However, both parties quickly realize the pit bull is incredibly friendly, and simply in need of a good home.
Obviously, Twitter is not doing well after watching Kitbull.
As you'd probably have imagined, the Twitterverse is truly dying after watching this water works-inducing work of art.
The world of Twitter truly cannot believe the devastating scenes Pixar is presenting to us, and their reactions are kind of priceless (and extremely relatable).
Maybe you were already planning on crying at work this morning, and this short film is simply adding gasoline to the flames. Or maybe this was a completely unexpected turn of events.
Either way, everyone quite literally needs to watch Kitbull because of its heartwarming (yet also heartbreaking) storyline, as well as its important underlying message. Now, if you excuse me, I'm on my way to the shelter to adopt every animal that's ever lived.