Pizza Hut Employee Praised for “Standing Up” to Customer Who Threw Pizza at Her
"As a food service worker, that was so satisfying to watch," one person commented on the video which reached over 3 million views.

Updated April 4 2024, 4:33 p.m. ET
When working in customer service, you'll sometimes have to put up with difficult customers. We're talking about the types of people who think it's OK to scream in another person's face just because they're dissatisfied with the quality of the goods they've purchased, or a gripe with the service they've received.
And then there are times when a patron walks into an establishment and it's evident that they're just looking for a fight. And when you're on the clock for a business, you have to be very careful in how you respond to a shopper as it could become a potential issue for the business down the line, as you are a representative of that company.
So even if you want to tell off an aggressive patron or respond with the same kind of energy, many businesses still tend to adopt the idea that "the customer is always right."
However, in the following clip uploaded to TikTok, under the user account @capricornred87, it would seem that there are a number of people who most certainly thought the customer was wrong in this scenario and they were happy to see the employee in question react the way she did to the woman.
The clip takes place in a Pizza Hut and from the beginning of the video, it would seem that the woman in question, who is referred to as a "Karen" in a hashtag for the post, has a gripe with her order.
The woman opens up the box of pizza to show one of the employees why she isn't happy with the way it came out, where she states that it's a "thin crust" and that "there's no sauce on it."
The worker mentions that she ate half of the pizza, to which the woman says that she only had three pieces, which isn't half because she had three slices. The worker says that the woman already ate a sizable amount of the pizza, presumably to push back on the woman's gripe with the pie.
The woman then screams that there's no sauce on the pizza and to look at it and tell her where the sauce is, to which the employee states that she made it. This appears to infuriate the woman who pushes the pizza toward the employee so that it falls off the counter and on the floor.
The irate customer briefly makes eye contact with someone recording the video as she attempts to exit the store, but the Pizza Hut employee follows her outside. The two exchange words with one another, doing so while very close to one another.
The patron appears to try to leave the store as the worker puts her arms on the woman and pushes her. The Pizza Hut employee pushes her again and then stands outside as the customer gets into her vehicle.
A number of TikTokers praised the Pizza Hut Worker's response to the woman. Someone wrote: "As a food service worker, that was so satisfying to watch."
Someone else couldn't believe that the customer thought she could simply get away with throwing the pizza on the floor of the restaurant and that no one would confront her about it: "How are you gonna throw a pizza and then run? She thought she wasn’t going to come after her"
Another TikToker wondered why it appears that there are some folks who believe it's perfectly fine to throw something or accost a worker and not expect any retaliation in return. "Why do people think it’s ok to hit, or throw something at people, and not expect to get hit back ?"
And then there was another TikToker who believed that the Pizza Hut employee's actions are the blueprint for how every customer service representative should handle angry and disrespectful shoppers.
"This is how they need to be handled EVERY SINGLE TIME. It’s time to match their evil energy."
What do you think? Did the Pizza Hut worker go too far after putting her hands on the woman? Or was the woman at fault because she escalated the situation and was accosting the worker in a loud, pizza-threatening matter first?