Sorry, There's No Pokémon Gen. II Remake in the Works
'Pokémon Gold' and 'Silver' took place in the Johto region, but could we be getting a remake for the Switch soon?

Published Feb. 16 2024, 6:35 p.m. ET
The Nintendo Switch already has a couple of Pokémon remakes for its roster of games, including the first-gen remakes Let's Go! Pikachu and Let's Go! Eevee and the fourth-gen Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl. Developer Game Freak is no stranger to remaking some of the hit originals that enraptured fans on Nintendo's older consoles, especially as the Switch continues to outsell many of its predecessors.
The next games rumored to be getting a remake are the Gen. II Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver — but are we really getting remakes of these games for the Switch? Not every rumor you hear is true.
Is there a Gen. II remake of 'Gold' and 'Silver' coming to the Nintendo Switch?
For months now rumors have been swirling that another remake will hit the Nintendo Switch before the next model launches in either late 2024 or early 2025, with the 1999 Game Boy games Gold and Silver being the supposed contenders.
For those who have been fans of the Pokémon games for years, you'll remember that the second generation games, taking place in the fictional region dubbed Johto, already got a remake for the Nintendo DS console. Heart Gold and Soul Silver came out a decade after the originals, offering advanced graphics and more content for players to work through on the popular portable console.
But despite already getting a remake, a rumor that reportedly started on 4Chan suggested that the Johto region would again be remade, this time in the same style as the Lets Go! games. The more casual play style was created to help those who got into Pokémon through Pokémon GO transition over to the console games, focusing on catching Pokémon over battling and putting Pokémon in the overworld for players to choose their encounters.
The original rumor was then backed up by leaks of supposed logos created for the games, titled Let's Go! Wooper and Let's Go! Togepi. Unfortunately, like most leaks you find on the internet, there isn't much else to back up these claims, and many say that the remake is unlikely to hit the Nintendo Switch.
However, some other leaks claim that The Pokémon Company and Game Freak are already in the process of developing Gen. X. It's possible both games are in progress, as Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl were released only months apart from Scarlet and Violet.
Most Pokémon fans don't feel like a 'Gold' and 'Silver' remake is needed.
In a thread on the Pokémon Community website, one user asked others if they would be interested in such a remake — and it seems the consensus is a resounding "no."
"I'm not very interested in second Gold/Silver remakes myself, especially not if they're going to be Let's Go style, though I get that people might want one since [Heart Gold]/[Soul Silver] is somewhat dated at this point," one user said.
"We already have [Gold]/[Silver] remakes. Yes, they're dated now, but that's just the way it goes when time passes," another wrote. "A second remake of [Gold]/[Silver] would need to be a modern, reimagining and not just the standard ol' boring, cheap 2.5D treatment that it would most likely get. Otherwise it's a big pass for me."
Seems like even if this rumor were true, it wouldn't go over well with a lot of the Pokémon fanbase.