These Are the Pokémon You Can Currently Hatch From Eggs in 'Pokémon GO'

Published June 13 2023, 6:15 p.m. ET

Hatching eggs in Pokémon GO is one of the only ways to get Shiny Pokémon in the popular mobile AR app. It's also a great way to bolster your PokéDex, if you don't already have some of the Pokémon available to hatch.
Unfortunately, there is no way to control what Pokémon hatches from an egg, though you can hatch many of the same type of egg to increase your chances of hatching a higher rarity Pokémon.
There are different tiers of rarity for the eggs in Pokémon GO — hatching a higher tier Pokémon means it's more rare to find it in eggs. That doesn't necessarily mean you won't find it in the wild, but if you're looking to find specific Pokémon to add to your PokéDex, hatching some of the eggs you've collected in your travels may help immensely.

The only way to hatch eggs is to put them in incubators and walk the required distance. You're gifted one incubator when you start playing Pokémon GO, but for better efficiency, you can buy more incubators from the shop for PokéCoins so you can hatch more than one at a time.
The Pokémon found in eggs change from time to time, but as of June 2023, here's an egg chart breaking down the different Pokémon you can currently find in eggs.
'Pokémon GO' 2km egg chart
These are all of the Pokémon currently available to hatch in 2km eggs in Pokémon GO.
Pokémon | Tier Rarity | Can it be Shiny? |
Staryu | Tier 1 | Yes |
Magikarp | Tier 1 | Yes |
Igglybuff | Tier 1 | Yes |
Magby | Tier 1 | Yes |
Fomantis | Tier 1 | No |
Wimpod | Tier 1 | No |
Cleffa | Tier 3 | Yes |
Azurill | Tier 3 | Yes |
Larvesta | Tier 5 | No |

'Pokémon GO' 5km egg chart.
These are all of the Pokémon currently available to hatch in 5km eggs in Pokémon GO.
Pokémon | Tier Rarity | Can it be Shiny? |
Omanyte | Tier 1 | Yes |
Kabuto | Tier 1 | Yes |
Shuckle | Tier 1 | Yes |
Roggenrola | Tier 1 | Yes |
Mareanie | Tier 1 | No |
Machop | Tier 2 | Yes |
Tyrogue | Tier 2 | Yes |
Sableye | Tier 3 | Yes |
Chingling | Tier 3 | No |
Bonsly | Tier 3 | Yes |
Larvesta | Tier 5 | No |
Mime Jr (Europe Only) | Tier 5 | Yes |

'Pokémon GO' 7km egg chart.
These are all of the Pokémon currently available to hatch in 7km eggs in Pokémon GO.
Pokémon | Tier Rarity | Can it be Shiny? |
Galarian Meowth | Tier 1 | Yes |
Galarian Stunfisk | Tier 1 | Yes |
Hisuian Voltorb | Tier 1 | No |
Alolan Meowth | Tier 2 | Yes |
Galarian Farfetch'd | Tier 2 | Yes |
Galarian Ponyta | Tier 2 | Yes |
Hisuian Qwilfish | Tier 2 | No |
Alolan Vulpix | Tier 3 | Yes |
Galarian Slowpoke | Tier 3 | Yes |
Hisuian Sneasel | Tier 3 | No |
Galarian Zigzagoon | Tier 4 | Yes |
Hisuian Growlithe | Tier 4 | No |
Galarian Darumaka | Tier 5 | Yes |

'Pokémon GO' 10km egg chart.
These are all of the Pokémon currently available to hatch in 10km eggs in Pokémon GO.
Pokémon | Tier Rarity | Can it be Shiny? |
Mawile | Tier 1 | Yes |
Emolga | Tier 1 | No |
Bagon | Tier 2 | Yes |
Tirtouga | Tier 2 | Yes |
Archen | Tier 2 | Yes |
Tyrunt | Tier 2 | No |
Amaura | Tier 2 | No |
Deino | Tier 3 | Yes |
Rockruff | Tier 3 | Yes |
Goomy | Tier 4 | No |
Jangmo-o | Tier 4 | No |
Larvesta | Tier 5 | No |
'Pokémon GO' 12km egg chart.
12km eggs, or "Strange Eggs," are only obtained when you defeat a Team GO Rocket leader. These are special eggs that are a bit different than most — hence why you'll need to walk further to hatch them.
These are all of the Pokémon currently available to hatch in 12km eggs in Pokémon GO.
Pokémon | Tier Rarity | Can it be Shiny? |
Pawniard | Tier 1 | Yes |
Larvitar | Tier 1 | Yes |
Scraggy | Tier 1 | No |
Vullaby | Tier 1 | Yes |
Sandile | Tier 2 | No |
Pancham | Tier 2 | No |
Absol | Tier 3 | Yes |
Deino | Tier 3 | Yes |
Skorupi | Tier 3 | Yes |
Skrelp | Tier 3 | No |
Salandit | Tier 3 | No |