Your Guide to Beating All of the Team Rocket Leaders in 'Pokémon GO'

Updated Sept. 6 2022, 12:36 p.m. ET
Let's face it: A Pokémon game wouldn't be the same if you didn't have to face off against some version of Team Rocket, and Pokémon GO is no exception. While much of the mobile AR game is focused on getting the player outside and exploring their surrounding areas to find new Pokémon and gather resources (and battle other players at gyms, of course), you may also find yourself hunting down the various Team Rocket leaders.
There are four different Team Rocket leaders in Pokémon GO: Cliff, Sierra, Arlo, and their boss Giovanni. We have an entire guide on beating Giovanni if you've reached the point where you need to hunt down the group's leader, but here's your guide to the current Pokémon on the other leaders' teams and how to beat them.

Cliff in 'Pokémon GO'
Here's how to defeat Cliff in 'Pokémon GO.'
All of the leaders listed here can be battled more than once, so if you find yourself unprepared partway through the battle, take note of the Pokémon the leader is using and then come back more prepared. There is no penalty for rematching these leaders as many times as you need to so you can defeat them and capture the Shadow Pokémon they leave behind.
Cliff's first Pokémon is always Bulbasaur, which can be countered easily with Fire, Ice, or Psychic-type moves.
Next, he'll pick from either Venusaur (a Grass-type), Crobat (Flying and Poison-type), or Omastar (a Rock and Water-type). If he sends out either Venusaur or Crobat, you should be good with a Psychic-type Pokémon on your team, while Omastar can best be countered with a Grass-type.
Lastly, Cliff will end his battles with Tyrannitar, Torterra, or Swampert. Tyrannitar is most weak against Fighting-types, while Torterra is weak to Flying or Ice-types, and Swampert succumbs to Grass-type.

Sierra in 'Pokémon GO'
Here's how to defeat Sierra in 'Pokémon GO.'
Sierra will always start her battles with Squirtle, so to counter the Water-type damage it deals, you'll want Electric or Grass-type Pokémon.
Next, she'll choose either Blaziken (Fire and Fighting-type), Lapras (Water and Ice-type), or Blastoise (Water-type). You'll want to have either Water, Electric, Fighting, or Grass-type moves to take on any of these Pokémon.
Lastly, she'll pick between Houndoom (Dark and Fire-type), Nidoqueen (Ground and Poison-type), or Drapion (Poison and Dark-type) for her last Pokémon. These can be countered with Ground and Water-types as well.
Here's how to defeat Arlo in 'Pokémon GO.'
Arlo will always start his battle with Charmander (a Fire-type), which can easily be countered with Water-type moves.
His next Pokémon can be either Mawile (a Steel and Fairy-type), Salamence (a Flying and Dragon-type), or Charizard (a Fire-type). You'll want to have Rock or Ground-type moves to cover your bases for these Pokémon.
Lastly, Arlo will round out his battle with either Scizor (Steel and Bug-type), Steelix (Ground and Steel-type), or Gardevoir (Fairy and Psychic-type). If you're up against either of the first two options, you can easily counter the Steel-type moves with Fire-type blows, though if you're up against Gardevoir, you'll want Ghost, Poison, or Steel-type moves.