How to Get All of the Eevee Evolutions in 'Pokémon Legends: Arceus'

Published Jan. 28 2022, 12:46 p.m. ET

Trainers across the world have already started diving into the unique new Pokémon title Legends: Arceus for the Nintendo Switch. This game takes longtime players back before any of the previous games, building the first-known PokéDex and studying the local creatures.
While much of the game's PokéDex features Pokémon from previous generations of games, trainers will be happy to know that Eevee and all eight of its evolutions are available in-game. Here's what you need to know to catch and Eevee and evolve it.
How to find Eevee in 'Pokémon Legends: Arceus.'
Before you can evolve your Eevee into the evolution of your choice, you have to locate an Eevee. This Pokémon is traditionally difficult to find in-game, but Legends: Arceus has a few reliable methods of capturing one for yourself.
Like a lot of the Pokémon wandering around in this new title, Eevee can become defensive when you approach it, attacking the player. You'll want to approach this Pokémon from a distance and use some of your stronger PokéBalls to catch it.
Eevees can be found in the Horseshoe Plains in the Obsidian Fieldlands, often milling about one of the ponds. It's only found during the day, so if you're Pokémon hunting at night you won't be able to find Eevee at all.
Unfortunately, the Pokémon has a low spawn rate, meaning it may not appear the first time you go looking for it. It may take more than one attempt for an Eevee to even spawn.
Once it does, though, you'll want to be delicate in your approach of it. If you storm the Pokémon, then it may run away. If it sees you encroaching on its space, it could attack you instead.
Try to sneak up on the Eevee from behind. Throw a PokéBall at it when its back is turned to you for the highest chance at success, though it would help to have some of the more advanced PokéBalls on you when you attempt this.
How to get the different Eevee evolutions in 'Legends: Arceus.'
All eight of Eevee's different evolutions are available in Legends: Arceus — and you can even catch an already-evolved Sylveon in the game in the Space-Time Distortions.
Friendship is a key part of evolving your Eevee, especially if you're looking to evolve an Eevee into Umbreon, Espeon, or Sylveon.
Evolving the first-generation Pokémon in Legends: Arceus is very similar to evolving it in previous games. To get any of the first three evolutions, all you need is the corresponding stone. Use a Thunder Stone to get Jolteon, a Water Stone for Vaporeon, or a Fire Stone for Flareon.
You can also use a Leaf Stone to evolve Eevee into Leafeon, or you can evolve it when standing next to the mossy rock in the Obsidian Fieldlands. Evolving it into Glaceon is a similar process; use either the Ice Stone or stand next to the icy rock when evolving in the Alabaster Icelands.
To get Sylveon, you'll need high friendship and your Eevee will have to know a Fairy-type move. Baby-Doll Eyes is a good one that your Eevee can learn at Level 18 if you want this evolution. Then, just evolve the Eevee during the day.
To get Umbreon or Espeon, you'll also need high friendship, and your Eevee can't know a Fairy-type move. Eevee will evolve into Umbreon if you have high friendship and evolve it at night, while it will evolve into Espeon if you do it in the daytime with high friendship.