Here's What Order You Should Complete the Challenges in 'Pokémon Scarlet' and 'Violet'

Published Nov. 28 2022, 3:52 p.m. ET

The newest generation of Pokémon is finally here, and though the game launched with more than a few bugs and glitches, Pokémon Scarlet and Violet have delivered the first truly open-world experience the franchise has had for the Nintendo Switch.
Well, sort of.
In Scarlet and Violet, there are three different paths players can follow while completing the game, depending on what challenges they want to take on. But unfortunately, there's no way to determine what order you should be completing these challenges in-game — and though "open-world" usually implies there isn't an order, there very much is one to the Paldea region.
What order should you complete the challenges in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet?

Which path is best? Victory Road vs. Starfall Street vs. Path of Legends.
Really, there is no "best" path to pursue in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet — though you will find that if you stick to just one single path, you'll be holding yourself back throughout your journey.
Beating the Gym Leaders/Team Star Bosses/Titans will reward you with different perks that will help you advance. Defeating different Gym Leaders will allow you to catch and control Pokémon at higher levels, while defeating Titan Pokémon will power up Miraidon or Koraidon.
If you're looking to get through the game as quickly as possible and aren't interested in completing everything in the story, though, you can easily skip the Starfall Street path, as the only reward you'll receive for defeating each Team Star Boss is a powerful TM. There aren't any Team Star Grunts scattered around the map, so as long as you steer clear of their bases, you need not worry about the group.

What order should you complete the challenges in?
Though Pokémon Scarlet and Violet has been touted as an open-world game, it lacks the level-scaling that would truly make it possible to complete in any order that you want — meaning if you're looking to work through everything, you'll either have to complete the paths in their individual "order," or space out your progress on each path proportionately.
Unfortunately, there are no hints in-game that would direct you to the "correct" order you should complete the paths in; should you ask the nurse at the Poké Center where to go next, she'll often give you bad advice, sometimes directing you to a gym or Titan that you are drastically underprepared for. Because of this, we need to look at the leveling of each individual challenge to get some semblance of an order for the game.
Here is the "correct" order of completion for Scarlet and Violet:
- Bug Gym (Level 15)
- Stony Cliff Titan (Level 16)
- Grass Gym (Level 17)
- Open Sky Titan (Level 19)
- Dark Crew Team Star (Level 21)
- Electric Gym (Level 24)
- Fire Crew Team Star (Level 27)
- Lurking Steel Titan (Level 28)
- Water Gym (Level 30)
- Poison Crew Team Star (Level 33)
- Normal Gym (Level 36)
- Ghost Gym (Level 42)
- Quaking Earth Titan (Level 44)
- Psychic Gym (Level 45)
- Icy Gym (Level 48)
- Fairy Crew Team Star (Level 51)
- False Dragon Titan (Level 55)
- Fighting Crew Team Star (Level 56)
Though this is the order that will allow you to breeze through the game, you can swap the challenges a bit with few repercussions (so long as your team is strong enough to face off against your chosen opponent).
If you're looking to complete the paths individually, here is the order you should do each path in:
Victory Road:
- Bug Gym (Level 15)
- Grass Gym (Level 17)
- Electric Gym (Level 24)
- Water Gym (Level 30)
- Normal Gym (Level 36)
- Ghost Gym (Level 42)
- Psychic Gym (Level 45)
- Ice Gym (Level 48)
Starfall Street:
- Dark Crew Team Star (Level 21)
- Fire Crew Team Star (Level 27)
- Poison Crew Team Star (Level 33)
- Fairy Crew Team Star (Level 51)
- Fighting Crew Team Star (Level 56)
Path of Legends:
- Stony Cliff Titan (Level 16)
- Open Sky Titan (Level 19)
- Lurking Steel Titan (Level 28)
- Quaking Earth Titan (Level 44)
- False Dragon Titan (Level 55)
Pokémon Scarlet and Violet are now available exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.