Who Is Polo.Boyy and Where'd He Get His Name From Anyways?

Updated Feb. 22 2020, 2:21 p.m. ET

Marco Borghi is the creator behind polo.boyy on TikTok (get it? Marco Polo?). And, although he's only been a TikTok star since 2019, he's managed to make quite a name for himself. But unfortunately that name isn't all that positive. Read on to learn more about polo.boyy and why some are calling for his cancellation.
Marco, aka polo.boyy on TikTok, has only been around since Sept. 2019.
While 17-year-old has only been posting on TikTok since Sept. 2019, he's managed to accrue 1.2 million followers and 62.4 million likes. That's pretty impressive for such a short time period. Marco posts lip sync videos and short skits on his account. He's often somewhat meta about his TikTok use, pointing out the ridiculousness of some challenges.
He's also pretty self-deprecating in his posts, pointing out that he tries to look cool and fails, especially in front of his crush. But Marco also tends to make TikToks that include social commentary, like one where he addresses that "it doesn't matter" if a girl is "thick" and they shouldn't worry about it.
In general, the Italian-American tends to post a lot mocking "white boys", which, he is one. But by making these kinds of comments, some do not like the way he stereotypes different races. It's a big part of his brand that he says these sorts of things, along with his referencing "simp nation", which he does very often in his posts
"Simp" refers to someone who could also be considered a "white knight", someone who defends women in the hopes of getting some. The term was originally popularized by the anti-feminist community, Men Going Their Own Way. His constant use of that term and other not particularly great comments about women are a big reason why some think he's better off shutting up.
That being said Marco actually been pretty upfront with fans who have criticised his comments. After he made a comment about people attacking Lizzo, saying that she's "the only accomplished big booty black bitch twerkin' on TikTok", he responded to the criticism, claiming that it was in reference to another video and saying, "I apologize, for it was incredibly insensitive for me to make such a statement. I can understand you and others’ concerns with the video. It has been taken down."
Marco is a member of two collaborative accounts.
Perhaps a part of polo.boyy's quick rise to fame has to do with his frequent collaborations with other creators. Marco recently joined OT House, a collaborative TikTok account with New York City-based creators.
He also joined The University of Diversity, another collaborative account, which was created in order to make a more diverse "house" on TikTok, in response to the popularity of other houses, like Hype House, which are primarily white. The University of Diversity was originally founded by wowhadiya.
Aside from his collaborations and frequent TikTok use, Marco actually likes to stay pretty quiet on social media. He didn't open an Instagram until the end of 2017 and, since then, has only posted 34 times. He has only used his Twitter account once, to address his inappropriate comments about Lizzo.