Post Malone Fans Are Concerned He's on Drugs, but This Video Shows He's Always Been Eccentric

Updated March 7 2020, 3:39 p.m. ET

It's an awfully predictable phenomenon with young artists: They have a meteoric rise to the top where they can get anything they want at their fingertips at any hour of the day — and a whole crew of people who will provide it for them so they can continue to make them money. When it comes to young stars who've ridden a crazy wave of fame for the last few years, Post Malone sits high on that list. But now, fans are concerned that he might be hitting the drugs a little too hard.
If you've listened to any of Post's songs, then you know he's no stranger to partaking in his fair share of mind-altering substances. Heck, he's got the word "beerbong" in one of his album titles. He talks about cocaine, "poppin pillies," taking molly, sippin' on codeine, etc. The man clearly likes to party. And it's hard to blame him for wanting to do so; he's constantly churning out music that appeals to a wide fan base and is exceedingly successful.
It doesn't look like he's letting this hurt his career at all, but recently, a few videos surfaced online of Post acting a little more "eccentric" than he usually does — and it had fans concerned. From stumbling on stage, to slurring his words, being weirdly "upbeat" while simultaneously acting totally spaced out, and rolling his eyes in the back of his head while singing, everyone was convinced that Post is in a deeply depressed mental state and is turning to drugs to cope.
The concern is a valid one: Tons of young artists recently have either overdosed and died on painkillers or have ongoing addiction problems that they struggle to combat.
Understandably, an outpour of support and concerns for Post's well-being started streaming in online, with loads of fans urging the young artist to seek help if he is indeed struggling or has developed an addiction to narcotics.
I'm no expert, but in one video where Post is talking to fans he definitely appears to be on something. (Or he could just be reveling in the afterglow of a successful and wonderful performance.) Then there's this cradling the mic thing that he's doing where something is clearly going on with him.
It's kind of difficult to see the look on his face in the above video and not think the singer is looped up on some type of intoxicant, or a combination of a bunch of downers peppered with a little bit of an upper just so he can have control of his motor functions. Not that I have experience in stuff like that or anything ... Uh, yeah.
It's nice to know, however, that Post is listening to his fans and decided to take to the mic to let everyone know he's not on drugs and that he's doing just fine and there isn't any cause for anybody to worry. If you watch the video, it's pretty evident that the man has his stuff together. His thoughts and words are coherent, and there's almost a little bit of anger toward whomever he's addressing, which I take as a good sign.
Now maybe Post went a little out of control and partied a bit too hard. It happens. But he seems 100-percent coherent here (not that I'm an expert on addiction) and he could be offended that others aren't appreciating his performances or think that his party-loving lifestyle will get in the way of his work.
Or it could be that he's playing up the high of performing for his audience and really enjoying what he's doing, getting that "natural" high on life sensation.
And while there were a lot of people who were genuinely concerned about Post's well-being, many said that the man has always been a bit on the "weird" side, even since his days in high school. Something that's abundantly evident in this high school music video project he made under his former stage name, Leon DeChino while he was still a student. It's wonderfully bizarre, in typical Post fashion.
There were plenty of folks who chalked up Post's antics to him just being him and maybe going a little bit overboard while on stage or interacting with fans — and that he acted pretty much the same way ever since he was a teen.
So what do you think? Is Post just entering a new phase of a progressively strange and new form of his own personal artistic expression? Or is he sitting various sauces a little too hard? It's all speculation at the end of the day, and I hope he really doesn't have a problem. Because it's hard not to love the guy.