Chip Lovers Ranked the "Best" Chips in the Frito Lay Variety Pack and Mayhem Broke Loose

Updated Jan. 15 2020, 3:12 p.m. ET
A tweet where men ranked the chips in the classic Frito-Lay variety pack went viral, and it's because people had very strong opinions on the junk food that they love most.
I love and adore chips, and so do my siblings. Growing up without any kind of junk food in a super traditional Eastern European family meant that stuff like ring-dings, ho-hos, and the ever elusive bag of Nacho Cheesier Doritos were a rare delicacy in our home. As was soda and flavored juices.
We pretty much ate the same traditional peasant fare for a lot of my childhood, which resulted in "Western" foods being absolutely demolished by our junk-deprived appetites whenever they'd pop up in our house. Couple that with the fact that my parents and grandparents came from a culture that thinks overfeeding children is healthy, and a box of cereal would be lucky if it lasted more than a day in our home.
The prized possession, however, was always chips. There was never a wrong time to eat them. Cracking open a small bag while on a car ride, watching a movie at home or playing video games, crunching away at a funeral, chips are always great.
But which ones reign supreme? While I could sit here and name bespoke chips that're only available in certain stores, that would be leaving a lot of people out of the conversation. So when we're talking about chips probably everybody knows, we gotta do large-scale, commercial style.
Like Frito-Lay, and these dudes ranked some of the common offerings in the standard variety pack you can find at pretty much any grocery store.
Within the video itself, the men couldn't decide on the correct order and things got hilariously heated, so you can only imagine that other people on Twitter had their own very, very strong opinions on what was the "correct" way to rank these chips.
I find it absolutely baffling that anyone could like plain Fritos, they taste and smell like feet. I'm sure that they're only used by paranoid people to keep at their bedroom doors so they can hear if someone is trying to sneak in at night and strangle them. Which is funny because that's what the plain Fritos eating experience is. Not the swirly barbecue ones though those are amazing.
Amazingly, some people were born with malformed taste buds and enjoyed the flavor of regular Fritos. The conversation about these chips grew and grew and it didn't take long for swarms of people, even celebrities, to weigh in on the correct way to rank this variety pack.
Chris Evans, thank GOD, came in to save the day to school everyone on what the correct ordering of these chips are.
Soon Octavia Spencer and Don Cheadle entered the fray and started giving their opinion on what the top chips in the box are. Octavia thought Cheetos reigned supreme while Don was a Lay's BBQ chip man himself.
Captain America eventually just wanted all the petty infighting to stop.
Even though Chris dropped the truth hammer on everybody, there were still some people who were trying to impose their incorrect ranking of the chips on everyone else.
Bizarrely, there were some people with zero self-respect who thought that the salted sawdust, bland flavor of plain Lays were enough to warrant them a top spot in the variety pack.
It was wild to see just how differently people ranked the flavors. There was at least one bag that was absolutely reviled by some people, and it was a different kind of bag for each person, funnily enough.
What do you think? What's your official ranking of the chips in the pack?