Pranksters Are Pretending to Put Their Dogs on Diets and Recording Hilarious Reactions

Updated May 29 2023, 11:33 a.m. ET

Honest question: Where would we be without dogs? They do so much for us and ask for so little in return. Dogs will snuggle with you, play with you, keep you company on a walk, keep you entertained when you’re feeling down, and make you laugh when they get the zoomies. Man. Dogs are the best!
So it probably says something about us that we find it so hilarious to trick dogs and laugh at their reactions. Admit it: You’ve done the whole “pretend to throw a ball but actually put it behind your back” thing. The latest TikTok trend provides a new way to trick your perfect, incredible dog. Just pretend to put them on a diet!
The “Pretend to Put Your Dog on a Diet” Challenge is truly hilarious.
OK, it’s technically called a “challenge” but the trickiest part is trying to keep a straight face as your prank your innocent pup. This prank works best on dogs who love mealtimes. It’s very simple: When you go to serve your dog’s food, give them just a few pieces of kibble rather than the full scoop. Make sure to film their reaction because it’s sure to be priceless.
We truly can’t get enough of these videos of dogs looking (momentarily) betrayed. All they want is some kibble and their owner is trying to pretend that just a few pieces of kibble are adequate! How rude!
Obviously, it’s only funny because you know that the dog is going to get the rest of their kibble as soon as their owner is done filming. If you’re going to participate in this trend with your own dog, make sure you’re ready to film their confusion, and then quickly rectify the situation. Maybe give them a couple of extra treats too. They’ve earned them!
TikTok has more dog pranks, too!
After you’ve pranked your dog by tricking them into thinking they’re being put on a strict diet (and after you’ve won their affections back with a full meal and a bunch of snuggling), there are a few other pranks you can pull on your dog that we learned from TikTok. The first one is pretending you’re going to pet your dog:
Reach out to give your furry friend some much-deserved head pats, but keep your hand juuuuust above their fur and see how they react. Judging by the videos we’ve seen of this prank so far, they’ll probably go nuts trying to earn your affection. And, of course, make sure to give it to them after you’re done recording the prank (as if you could resist)!
Another dog prank involves pretending that your dog is invisible. When they’re in the room with you, stand up and call their name, then pretend that you can see them. Your dog will become more and more confused about why you apparently can’t see them even though they’re right in front of you… until you put an end to the prank and (once again!) give them all of the snuggles.
At the end of the day, dogs are the best for all kinds of reasons. One of those reasons is that they’re excellent sports when they’re being pranked. Many of them are also pretty brilliant, though, so don’t be too surprised when they learn to prank you right back.