These Professor Emails Prove That Everyone Is Losing Their Minds in 2020

Updated Oct. 14 2020, 3:29 p.m. ET
Professors are usually bastions of quiet professionalism. But in 2020, with the pandemic raging and school moving online, all bets are off. This year is crazy for everyone, professors included. And that's been evident in their emails to students, which have ranged from giving away way too much information to trying to remain calm and in-charge (unsuccessfully) while trying to teach in a pandemic. In short, these emails prove that professors (well, most of them) are human just like the rest of us.
I — I have no words. What is this man's life? He's really going through it. I mean, we're all going through it, but this man is really going through it. At least he seems to have a sense of humor about it!
In a follow-up tweet, after the first email went completely viral, @decentbirthday shared the next email from Professor Wilson, which reads, "Hello all, It seems that my last email went viral on the Internet. I appreciate all the replies letting me know. Fortunately, the injury wasn't serious, and none of my Covid symptoms are serious. The exam is still Monday, and it is asynchronous. Unlike my wife, I expect you not to cheat. Good luck to all!" Just incredible.
None of us are OK. But are we fine? Sometimes. And you know what? As this professor said, fine is good right now. Fine is all we can ask for.
What, you think your women's studies professor doesn't do virtual yoga?! Get with the program! She probably does it every day before drinking her green juice and composting all the fruit waste.
This one took a turn fast. I get that this professor was just saying that they were definitely going to grade the assignments, but still. This makes me feel like maybe they know something we don't know.
The professor's name and then ", concerned" really got me. I wonder who was the tattle-tale who responded, "It's not a holiday! We just don't have a link to the class!" They will not be invited to the next Zoom class pizza party.
"I hope you realize that it hurts getting bounced off a windshield hard enough to break it" is so very specific and wild. I can't believe that this happened to this poor professor during the first week of class! And I can't believe they sent all their students the details of their accident.
You just know that no good can come from, "I was able to find your Twitter account." But this one is actually quite sweet! I just hope this professor doesn't look at their Twitter account again and see that they've gone viral.
Professors are dealing with COVID-19 just like everybody else! Can you imagine trying to teach other people while you're worried that you might have the virus?!
Oh my goodness, this one made me blush. This professor just wanted Quinn to know that they know their "little secret" about liking one of their tweets. I for one am so glad that I went to school before teachers and students both had social media profiles on the same websites. Phew.
I'm glad they called out their professor for being rude! They were trying to take initiative and instead of realizing that something must be wrong with the online assignment submission system, the professor assumed they just hadn't done any of the work. Even though they were literally emailing to ask for feedback on their work. It doesn't make any sense.
Hey, even if we're working and trying our best to live our lives, the coronavirus is a sinister undercurrent to everything. So it's no small thing when someone tests negative! I'm glad this professor showed enthusiasm for their student's negative status!
I love this. The short answer is no! Nothing and no one is OK right now. But it's wonderful that this professor reached out when they sensed something. Sometimes even the fact that someone else notices you can help you feel better. More professors should do this!