Woman Pulls Into Drive-Thru to Avoid Police — and the Fast-Food Worker Has Her Back

Published Oct. 12 2023, 5:27 p.m. ET
Unfortunately, we live in a time where being stopped by the police is no longer as simple as getting a ticket. Some folks — mainly Black and Brown people — often worry that being pulled over can result in being a victim of police brutality.
No matter where you are in the country, violence against citizens at the hands of police always makes headlines. So, in normal life situations, folks usually prefer to do whatever it takes to avoid police interaction at all costs. For some people, that means following all the rules of the road, and for others, that means going the extra mile to steer clear of them.
So, when one woman on TikTok decided to pull into a drive-thru to avoid the police, folks completely understood where she was coming from. Here’s the full scoop.

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A woman pulls into a drive-thru to avoid police in a TikTok video.
Desperate times call for desperate measures. In an October 2023 TikTok post, creator @kyawock shared a video of a recent drive she experienced on the road.
“When the police get behind you,” the video caption reads.
As the video starts, the woman is seen at a Wendy’s drive-thru location, presumably ready to make an order. The fast-food worker proceeded to ask her what she’d like to order. However, the driver had different plans.
“I’m not trying to order,” the woman said. “The police had got behind me and I had to pull over.”
The fast-food worker initially didn’t understand what the woman was saying. So she asked her to repeat it.
“I’m not trying to order. The police had got behind me and I had to pull over,” the woman said.
“Oh my God,” the fast-food worker replied. "You’re all right. Do you want a water? Come up to my window.”
The woman said “Yeah” and let out a hearty laugh as the woman told her to “come on around.” It seems like the cops left the woman alone and went along with their business.
TikTok users have praised the fast-food worker for the assist.
Sometimes you can’t count on people to understand the assignment, especially when it comes to dealing with the police. So, when TikTok users realized that the fast-food worker was willing to play along with the woman so she could avoid any interaction with the cops, people immediately minted her a real one.
In fact, other people shared similar stories where a stranger looked out for them when the police were around.
“Had a dude knock on my door one day say the same thing 🤣🤣🤣. We stood there and bulls------ for about 15 minutes. We’ve been friends for the last 15 years,” one person said.
“I will drive my car into the lake before I let the police get behind me😂,” another user said.
“She got you, girl! 😂😂😂😂😂😂🥰 I never thought of doing that! Thanks for the tip! 😂,” another user shared.
Interestingly, some people revealed that when they tried a similar tactic, the police proceeded to wait for them to finish what they were doing.
So, in retrospect, this method may not be as foolproof as it seems. And in no way, shape, or form are we telling you to evade the police, but do what you gotta do.