This Woman Outed Her Possibly Cheating Husband on TikTok and the Internet Really Responded

Published March 23 2023, 6:50 p.m. ET

A different woman exposed her cheating husband, July 21, 2006 in Chicago, Illinois
If you've ever been cheated on, then you're aware of the specific kind of pain that takes root in your stomach then proceeds to travel to and from your heart. You wander in and out of shock while simultaneously blaming the cheater and irrationally asking yourself what you could have done differently. Some folks turn to social media when they need to exorcise their pain, however terrible that idea may be.
For Rachel Buck, there was only one place she could go to truly vent: TikTok. Posting as, she laid out what happened when her husband was in Las Vegas without her. Since dropping these TikToks, Rachel had to lock up her account from the hordes of villagers who came bearing digital pitchforks. However, we still got some interesting information. Here's what we know about Rachel Buck's tell-all TikToks.

Rachel Buck
What did Rachel Buck ( reveal in her TikToks? Too much.
While Rachel's TikTok may be set to private, the internet never forgets. Twitter user @MrsJellySantos was able to snag Rachel's first TikTok followed by the latest before the account went into hiding. In it, a very riled up Rachel bemoans the fact that she was once one of the women who thought "her man would never cheat" but evidently she might be wrong
What's odd about this TikTok is that Rachel is speaking to her viewers as if they are demanding to know every detail of her life, and perhaps they are.
According to Dr. Karen North, a clinical professor at USC, people are either voyeurs or exhibitionists and social media satisfies the needs of both. Dr. North is a "recognized expert in digital social media and in psychology," who has been teaching social media since 2006.
Rachel, in her TikTok video, goes on to assure her followers she'll get all the details soon.
Long story short, after a weekend in Utah celebrating their sixth anniversary Rachel went home while her husband continued onto Vegas for a work conference. "We had a great weekend, literally the best weekend," says Rachel. In Vegas, he had dinner and drinks with co-workers; then, as noted by Rachel's many upsetting facial expressions, all heck broke loose. He went to a strip club and didn't tell her.
Her story is then picked back up by Evie magazine who reported that while at the strip club her husband was allegedly drugged and subsequently "lost five hours." Upon arriving home he told Rachel what happened but refused to take a drug screening test which is honestly a bridge too far. "This man is being suspicious, and he's trying to turn it back on me somehow," claimed Rachel. The next TikTok showed the front yard of the couple's house as she was tossing her husband's clothes onto their lawn while he picked them up.
The internet went after Rachel's husband because that's what the internet does.
Twitter user Jelly Santos is back on the scene with the final TikTok they snagged and uploaded to Twitter. Next to the words "Please be kind," Rachel begs her followers to leave her husband alone. Apparently they found out where he works and have been trying to get him fired which is truly baffling. Rachel adds that they are a single-income family who would obviously be hit hard if her husband was also unemployed. Unless she has posted another TikTok, we don't know if the couple plans to work things out.
So, why do some people share stories like this on social media?
"TikTok is just a new vehicle that amplifies an old behavior," Dr. North explained to us when we asked about digital shaming. "If you go back a generation and you see the phenomenal success of things like The Jerry Springer Show, it's very much the same thing."
She goes on to say that Jerry really showed there is "entertainment value in peering into the personal problems of others."
This is truly no different than gossip; it's just writ large on a global scale and involves people we don't know.
"The real awakening we have because of social media is it allows people to think and feel that they have personal relationships, even when they don't," Dr. North said.
This has been referred to as parasocial relationships and is usually used to described feelings some fans have about celebrities, but it's also not a new phenomenon.
"Human social behavior hasn't really changed much since the early hominids since we started gathering socially," Dr. North added.
Dr. North also talked about how regularly using social media often makes people forget there are actual humans absorbing what they say. She likened it to what happens to anyone on a reality show: After the first couple of days, they often forget about the cameras. The same can be said about social media and what people put out into the world.
We hate to do it, but maybe it's time to take a page out of The Jerry Springer Show: "Take care of yourselves, and each other."