Rami Malek Once Helped His Twin Brother Cheat in College With the ‘Ol Switcheroo

Published Oct. 20 2021, 8:58 a.m. ET

If you've ever watched The Prestige, then you know having an identical twin, if you play it right, certainly has its advantages. Sure, that doesn't necessarily mean you have a brother you hide away from the world, and you keep the secret so well hidden that it launches a rivalry between magicians that not only isn't annoying but is actually fantastic, but you can definitely pull off some shenanigans.
And that's exactly what Rami Malek and his twin brother did.
Yes, Rami Malek has an identical twin brother, and his name is Sami.
Rami and Sami sound like the kind of twin brothers you would come across in a Harry Potter novel.
Although they don't look super similar to one another today (strange since they're identical ... maybe it has to do with Sami's beard) Rami and Sami were once dead ringers for one another.

This played into Sami's favor when he was in college and needed help from his brother to cheat in a class. The ask? He was asked to perform a monologue from a Greek tragedy in order to get some extra credit points to pass. So he decided to phone up his brother, who was a total theater nerd, and see if he could act out the monologue for him.
Rami talked about the little UCLA con they pulled in a 2015 interview with Jimmy Kimmel: "He [Sami] calls me one day and goes, 'Hey, do you know a Greek monologue from a Greek tragedy? 'Yeah, of course, I've just been doing this for four years.' He goes, 'Listen, I need you to come down to my university. I need you to do this for my class. It's gonna give me the points I need.'"
Rami continued, "I go, 'Yeah I'm gonna get my points and we're gonna make this happen.' And I deliver this monologue in front of the entire lecture hall and I get a few [bits of] applause, people dig it. And I think she starts looking at me kind of accusatorially, like, 'Where the hell did you come up with that?' I told her, 'Er, it's just a hobby.'"
What does Sami Malek do for a living?
Well, Sami was able to pass the class and he eventually got his degree and became a teacher at a STEM academy in Hollywood as an English teacher. According to US News, the school has a pretty high ranking.
Sami can often be seen hanging out on the red carpet with Rami, and hanging out backstage at after-parties, which isn't a bad deal. He gets all the benefits of a stable job while getting to party with his Oscar-winning brother. Plus, he didn't have to wear a bunch of teeth prosthetics while pretending to be Freddie Mercury, either.