Rampart Might Actually Be More Corrupt Than Tarkin in 'Star Wars: The Bad Batch'

Published Jan. 9 2023, 4:17 p.m. ET

Warning: The following article contains spoilers for Star Wars: The Bad Batch Seasons 1–2 on Disney Plus.
It's always tough when you mess up at a job — there's that terrifying anxiety of waiting for your boss's reaction. Will they be understanding, or send you to the chopping block?
Vice Admiral Rampart (Noshir Dalal) isn't willing to let anyone rat out his error to his superior, Grand Moff Tarkin (Stephen Stanton) in Star Wars: The Bad Batch.
Wait, so who is Rampart again? He's basically one of Clone Force 99's (that's the Bad Batch, just FYI) greatest galactic foes.
However, Rampart thought he could rest easy after he mistakenly assumed Clone Force 99 was killed during the fall of Tipoca City back in The Bad Batch Season 1. Spoiler alert: He was wrong.

And the award for worst boss ever goes to Rampart.
Rampart's role in 'The Bad Batch,' explained.
Rampart is Tarkin's underling in Star Wars: The Bad Batch. However, don't count Rampart out of the running for the most evil guy in the Galactic Empire, aside from Darth Vader.
Rampart was responsible for implementing chain codes at the start of Star Wars: The Bad Batch, as well as assisting with the overall transition of the Republic into the Empire.
Ambitious, and eager to prove himself, Rampart (oh sorry, Vice Admiral Rampart) also set up the first Elite Squad of clone troopers, who were conscripted first and foremost to serve the Empire and nothing else.
Initially Rampart brushed off reports of rogue clone troopers as nothing more than a waste of precious Galactic Empire time. That all changed when the Bad Batch proved to be worthy adversaries to Rampart's carefully-laid plans. The Vice Admiral grew determined to eliminate the threat once and for all.
Rampart thought Clone Force 99 had been eliminated during the siege of Tipoca City.
Poor Clone Captain Wilco learned the hard way that honesty sometimes doesn't pay when he informed Rampart that the Bad Batch were still very much alive in The Bad Batch Season 2, Episode 2.

TLDR — Rampart is the worst.
What did Rampart do to Captain Wilco? (SPOILERS)
Rampart discovers in The Bad Batch Season 2, Episode 2 that the Bad Batch actually survived what went down in Tipoca after Clone Captain Wilco informs him of the truth.
Naturally, Rampart coolly informs Wilco to not mention that one huge detail in the report that they have to send back to the Galactic Empire.
However, there's that pesky rule in the military that subordinates don't have to follow a direct order from a superior if it's illegal. However, Rampart isn't exactly enthused that Wilco refuses to falsify an official document.
He kills Wilco with one shot from his blaster without ever raising his voice. Can you say worst boss ever?
Now that Rampart knows that the Bad Batch are still alive, more than likely he's going to attempt to eliminate them as quietly as he can without arousing suspicion from his superior, Tarkin (who would also likely shoot Rampart without a second thought if he found out what happened.)
Will the Bad Batch be able to escape a Galactic Imperial Officer who has everything to gain from destroying them? Find out when The Bad Batch Season 2, Episode 3 drops on Jan. 11 on Disney Plus.