Double Stuf Oreos May Not Actually Give You Twice as Much Cream as the Original Cookie

Published Dec. 2 2021, 6:25 p.m. ET

Cookies are pretty much one of the best things to ever exist, no question. But in the world of these treats, one stands out from the crowd. Oreos are the iconic sandwich cookie that almost everyone has either heard of or tried at least once. Some people love to eat them whole, while others prefer to lick the cream on the cookies separately — there are tons of ways to eat them.
But it turns out there's only one way to make them. Plenty of people have wondered over the years: What's the ratio of cream to cookie in an Oreo? Here's what to know about the beloved treat.
What is the ratio of cookie to cream in an Oreo?
Over the years, there have been different kinds of Oreo cookies. Thins, Double Stuf, and more have been on the market for a while now. But when it comes to the original version, there's a specific ratio of cookie to cream that needs to be in place in order for everything to be perfect. Each one needs to be 71 percent to 29 percent respectively, according to Delish.

One other type of Oreo, though, may not be exactly what it seems. In 2013, CNN reported that a math teacher and his students discovered that the Double Stuf Oreo doesn't double the amount of cream in its cookies; it only has about 1.86 times as much as the original cookie. The Mega Stuf, which is supposed to be even bigger, is what gives people more than twice the amount of cream at 2.68 times.
A representative at Oreo, Kimberly Fontes, commented on the situation at the time, defending the iconic cookie: "While I’m not familiar with what was done in the classroom setting, I can confirm for you that our recipe for the Oreo Double Stuf cookie has double the stuff, or cream filling, when compared with our base, or original Oreo cookie," she told CNN.
How did the Oreo get its name?
As the New York Post notes, the Oreo we know today is similar to another kind of sandwich cookie that came before it — the Hydrox, originally made by the Sunshine Biscuit Company. This company was acquired by Keebler which was later acquired by Kellogg. Hydrox cookies were later reintroduced by Leaf Brands.
In terms of the name "Oreo" itself, it's unclear where the name came from. Speaking with the New York Post in 2012, Becky Tousey, the associate director of corporate archives at Kraft at the time, said that it may be pretty simple.
In the interview, Tousey said she went with the theory that the name comes from the sandwich of the cookies; she pointed out that the word "Oreo" has Os at both ends of the name. They sandwich the other two letters just like the two cookies of an Oreo act for the cream in the middle. But this isn't the only thought process. Among other theories, some have said that Oreo comes from the French word for gold ("or") along with the color of its previous (gold-colored) packaging.