Yes, @ReallyVeryCrunchy Is Actually a "Crunchy Mom" in Real Life (EXCLUSIVE)
Published Feb. 28 2022, 2:57 p.m. ET

She's not just a regular mom, she's a cool crunchy mom!
Letting her kids play with plastic toys or eating deli meat sandwiches for lunch? A crunchy mom would never! The term "crunchy mom" refers to an environmentally, socially, and health-conscious mom who goes against the "norm" when it comes to parenting. But, there are different degrees of crunchiness.
The viral TikTok account @ReallyVeryCrunchy has amassed a large following for her hilarious, level-10 crunchiness when it comes to parenting. However, many users were unsure if this crunchy mom actually pledged to spend 1,000 hours outside with her kids or if she is simply using her platform to poke fun at the crunchy mom movement across America.
Well, Distractify spoke exclusively with@ReallyVeryCrunchy's Emily Morrow who told us that it's a little bit of both!

The mother of two opened up crafting the caricature for her videos, as well as her own "crunchiness" level — though it differs, depending on the day!
Check out our Q&A below. (Editor's note: This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.)
TikTok's @ReallyVeryCrunchy is a crunchy mom in real life.
Distractify: Can you first talk about where this idea for this caricature came from?
Emily Morrow: So my husband has always loved creating content and we've been creating different types of content for like, a decade now. [He said] 'I think it's time that we exploit your craziness.' And I am really into like holistic and natural living, but obviously, the character is to the extreme. So I just take, like, my knowledge and things I've heard about and just apply it to how a super crunchy person would be. So I guess it just was born from the desire to create, and something that I already know about, which is kind of embarrassing to admit.
Though this is an over-exaggeration of yourself, are you ever worried about mom-shamers or negative comments?
EM: Sometimes I have read the comments ... and then I'll respond to people and stuff. But like, I don't dwell on it. And I'm not looking to see what people are saying about me. I'm confident in my parenting choices. And I hope that other people are confident in what they're doing. I think a lot of judgment comes from insecurity. And that's really sad. We all have insecurities, but I'm happy with how I'm raising my kids. And that persona isn't me, totally. You know, [as] I said, it's me at a level 10. So if they do have something to say, then I can sort of also just be like, well, that's not really me.
As a crunchy mom in real life, what is your level of crunchiness?
EM: You know, it sort of does differ. I've been asked that before, and I said a six or seven, but my husband said I was an eight. And I think it really does depend on what aspect of holistic living you're talking about. As far as spending time in nature and being barefoot outdoors and stuff I'm probably a 10. ... My neighbor is always laughing at me because it's like 30 degrees outside and my kids will be taking off their shoes, they'll run around in wool socks.
EM (continued): But I do let my kids play with LEGOs. And we have costumes that are made of polyester. I don't know if I want to admit that. But you know, some people will never allow that. And so yeah, I think it just depends on what area, like, as far as food, we eat really pretty clean.
What are very crunchy everyday things that you do?
EM: Just like exposing my kids to different natural experiences, and along with that comes exposure to germs and therefore boosting their immune system. So I would also say like, focusing on their immune system is probably pretty crunchy, because we take tinctures and supplements.
Since growing a large following, what do you hope for the future of your platform?
EM: Something that's really interesting that I did not expect is people who aren't really interested in the holistic lifestyle have said that after they watch my videos, they will research something. ... So I kind of like that it has like this educational aspect. But also funny, I mean, and relatable. I love that people think it's funny.
Post-interview editor's note: Though Emily's page talks about alternative lifestyle methods, she wanted to clarify that it is not her intention to give anyone medical advice and her platform is used as a source of entertainment and "fun."