Woman Catches Realtor Breaking Into and Showing Off Her Home Even Though It Isn’t for Sale, Calls Cops on Them

Updated April 27 2023, 9:38 a.m. ET

The housing market has experienced surging increases all across the country since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Unless you were lucky enough to close on properties right when it began and folks didn't know how the economy was going to be affected, there's a good chance you probably ended up getting hosed on the cost of your home.
While this is definitely bad news for buyers, it was pretty good news for property owners (at least those who were planning on moving to spots where real estate was way cheaper, or those who owned multiple locations for sale.) It was also a great time for realtors who were earning fat commission checks on their showings.
In fact, in some areas, real estate agents were running out of homes to show due to the increased demand for domiciles across the United States, which created some interesting opportunities for folks to make some big bucks on selling homes they maybe weren't even planning to put on the market. And if you're trying to strike while the iron is hot as a realtor, maybe you even went out of your way to ask folks if they had any intention of offloading their property in the hopes of making some $$$.
But what this TikToker captured on their ring doorbell camera sounds like it was taken straight out of an episode of South Park, but as it turns out, it ended up being a case of just the wrong address.
But @busymomonli didn't know that at first when she received a notification on her smartphone that there was someone on her property. Her ring doorbell camera showed that there was an individual trying to get through the front door of the home with a group of people.
When the group sees that no one answered the door, the man then takes the group of people through the back of the house. In the video, the TikToker says that no one was home as both she and her husband were at work and her son was at school. Although the family does have a dog, she stated that their pet "is not a very good guard dog."

The man, who was later identified as a realtor showed the group of folks around her home for about 20 minutes before leaving, but the TikToker had no idea who these folks were, so she called the police.

"Had I not had a Ring camera I would never have known this happened at all!!" the TikToker says. In another clip, the camera footage shows the cops arriving just as the group of people were exiting the driveway.

Officers checked the house to make sure that nothing was lifted, and there wasn't. The Realtor explained to the police that he was supposed to be showing the neighboring house and was instructed by the homeowners to enter through the back.
The TikToker added that the realtor apologized profusely and seemed sincere, so she opted not to press any charges, but did add she was considering reporting the incident to her local real estate licensing bureau.

Her video of the incident went viral and throngs of commenters chimed in. Many were perplexed that the group didn't clearly see the home wasn't the same one that they had seen in the photos. Others couldn't believe that the gentleman could make such a large gaffe and thought that he should have his real estate license revoked.

Some urged the homeowner to press charges against the real estate licensing agency. What do you think? Should the TikToker just let the whole incident go as they thought it was just an honest mistake? Or do they try and get this man in trouble for entering their home?