Former Manager Says Restaurant Owner Made Them "Reuse" Sour Milk

Published June 27 2023, 5:09 p.m. ET
If I wanted to drink sour milk, I would simply travel back in time to the refrigerators of my worst exes. I didn't think I need to say this, but there will never be a time when I have a hankering for sour milk. You could say I'm not very sweet on it. Unfortunately one restaurant didn't seem to think it was a big deal when its owner was reusing milk that was way past its expiration date.
A TikToker who goes by the name @chocolatemilkbrothers had the unpleasant experience of managing this restaurant for two deeply upsetting days. He was brought in to bring food service sales up, but what he discovered was a breeding ground for something Egon from Ghostbusters might be into: spores, molds, and fungus. Slap on some gloves and let's get into it, but not too deep of course. It's pretty gross.

It's just a little dirty???
I like my milk like I like my peanut butter, smooth not chunky.
In May 2023, @chocolatemilkbrothers tried his best to help a delusional/uninformed restaurant owner with his horrendously disgusting establishment. The business's clear health code violations have been broken down in six TikToks. Trigger warning for everyone, in general.
This was "by far the filthiest place I have ever worked," said @chocolatemilkbrothers in the initial TikTok. According to the owner, the bar was doing great but he could not seem to move the food which he described as "amazing." Part of @chocolatemilkbrothers' job was to go through the restaurant and let the owner know what could be improved. There was a lot.
Upon opening up the refrigerator, @chocolatemilkbrothers was met with a horrifying sight. The milk was clearly curdled and the date read March 15, which was two months before he was hired. Beware the Ides of March. After @chocolatemilkbrothers threw out the milk, the owner angrily dug it out of the trash can and passed on the opposite of a life hack. It was a life wack. Basically, he strained out the sour milk chunks then added water to the milk. It's as good as new! I mean ew.
There are not enough cleaning products in the world for this restaurant.
"On that first day I did a walk-through of the kitchen and found a mountain of issues," says @chocolatemilkbrothers in his next TikTok. While walking by the grill and fryers, he was stopped dead in his tracks due to the smell emanating off them. The fryer odor was due the grease trap never being drained, but the other issue came from beneath the grill. The floor was covered in old food, old growths, and new diseases (probably).
The temperature of the walk-in was well above 60 degrees which goes against Food and Drug Administration regulations that dictate "food should be kept below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, but ideally lower." Inside of the walk-in was nothing but "warm air and musty smells," he reported. It was mostly empty, apart from roughly 20 boxes of turkey labeled 2021. The owner bumped up the temperature because he doesn't like the cold, and as for the turkey, "If it smells, just add seasoning," he said.
At some point the owner was wrestling with a pot of chili, which was being cooked in a wildly unclean dish. However, there was something else happening with this pot. "Why does the crock-pot look like that?" @chocolatemilkbrothers asked the owner. "I overcooked some chili in that a while ago and I haven't been able to clean it out," he replied. Apparently the owner tried unsuccessfully cleaning it with shampoo then switched to dishwashing soap, which he called "regular soap."
When @chocolatemilkbrothers makes his way back to the fryers, things really began to heat up. There were four fryers available, but it looked as if two were in heavy rotation. Believe it or not, the other two fryers were in pristine condition, for this place.
Evidently this was a Tuesday and the restaurant was closed on Mondays and yet, the fryers were left on and the oil was black. When asked when they were last cleaned, the owner said, "Well, the oil in the fryers is hot so it wouldn't be safe to drain them and clean them." This feels like an exercise in weaponized incompetence because @chocolatemilkbrothers has to show this man how to turn off the fryers which is when he learns they are cleaned once a year.
Five days after @chocolatemilksbrothers quit, the restaurant was shut down. We assume an exorcism took place immediately, as nothing else could compel the devil out of that building.