Did We Get Our Wish? Roaring Twenties Memes Compare Present-Day to Prohibition Era
Updated March 19 2020, 10:07 p.m. ET

Did we jinx ourselves ...
When the clock struck midnight on Jan. 1, 2020, individuals rung in the New Year in style, dressing up in 1920s period costumes. Many people even had "roaring 20's" themed parties to celebrate the new decade.
But, did we get our wish?
While the 1920s was a time of economic prosperity, new dance styles, and edgier apparel (think flapper girl), it also came with a lot of hardships, such as the Great Fall of the Stock Market in 1929, Prohibition, and the Spanish Flu.
So, is history finding a way to repeat itself 100 years later?

Right now, the United States continues to see the stock market fall amid the coronavirus pandemic (also known as COVID-19). With stores, bars, and overall social gatherings being shut down, people are starting to self-quarantine to help slow the spread.
Distractify rounded up these funny (and also scary) Roaring 20s memes, which compare the two centuries. Seriously, we are living in the past.
Check out these Roaring Twenties memes!
"Holy s--t, it’s just like the 1920s, stock market crash, wacky disease, and funny clothes," tweeted one person.
"Hey everyone who wanted the roaring 20s back in 2020... QUICK REMINDER ON THE 1920s: - stock market crash - prohibition/bars closed - spanish flu! ...let's NOT have the 1920s back please!! i mean maybe the roaring part but that's it #theresalotofgreyareainthatwish," another individual wrote.
"Realized we're compressing the decade of the 1920s into the first few months of the year-the plague, stock market crash AND Prohibition (bars are closed). Welcome to the new Roaring 20s!" this individual wrote.
With bars continuing to close their doors to practice social distancing amid the coronavirus pandemic, people are finding too many comparisons between the 1920s and 2020.
Well, apparently speakeasies are about to be popping up in people's basements amid the coronavirus outbreak. "Prohibition in 1920s causes speakeasies, coronavirus in 2020 about to cause the same thing," tweeted this person.
Another person wrote: "When the 2020s starting to look like the 1920s. We lived in luxury and now we are gonna be poor. Gotta love when history repeats itself!" Seriously, history is repeating itself!
This person posted an Instagram meme, which read: "New Year's: '2020, It's the roaring 20's.' Two months later: Stock market crash, world wide pandemic, bars forced closure by government. The world collectively, 'Oh, s--t.'"
Another post read: "Y'all begged for the roaring 20's and got what y'all wanted ... a plague and a crashed stock market."
"When the stock market is crashing, a plague is sweeping the nation, and all the bars and liquor stores are closed ..." this meme reads.
As we continue to face these dark times, hopefully these funny Roaring Twenties memes shed a little light, or reminded everyone to be careful what we wish for ...
The best way to prevent contracting or spreading the coronavirus is with thorough hand washing and social distancing. If you feel you may be experiencing symptoms of coronavirus, which include persistent cough (usually dry), fever, shortness of breath, and fatigue, please call your doctor before going to get tested. For comprehensive resources and updates, visit the CDC website. If you are experiencing anxiety about the virus, seek out mental health support from your provider or visit NAMI.org.