Grocery Store's Cake Decorating Machine Is Perfect If You Don't Want to Order From a Human

Published Aug. 29 2023, 10:53 a.m. ET
Writing on cakes is hard. As someone who loves to bake, I get the struggle in trying to write in elegant script on a frosted birthday cake. But pretty soon, I may not have to. Because when TikTok user Jillian (@jilliangfarris) shared a video of a robot decorating a birthday cake at a Kroger, it opened up a whole new world of possibilities for special events. At least, where customers are concerned.
Professional bakers, on the other hand, may be a little miffed at discovering the existence of the machine, which is called Cake Writer (does any other name work? The answer is no). But, judging by the video, there are some kinks to work out, so don't go starting a war against robots just yet.
A video of a robot decorating a birthday cake is a game-changer for some.
In the video, the Cake Writer robot decorates the border of the cake and writes on it in two different fonts and three different colors. The video is also sped up, so the actual time it takes the robot to complete a personalized cake is a little unclear from this video alone.
However, if you prefer not to wait for the grocery store baker to write a message on a cake or you just forgot to order one ahead of time, this could be what you need. It should be noted, however, that the Cake Writer birthday cake robot isn’t perfect.
The spelling of the person’s name on the cake isn't correct and the design itself is pretty plain. Granted, you can choose from a few different fonts and designs so the outcome may vary from customer to customer.
When someone commented asking if the robot writes anything on the cake, the TikTok creator replied, “There were about seven designs to choose from and then you could add a message.” Maybe that will increase if the machines become more widespread and permanent.
But if you type in the message incorrectly, you’ll be left with a major typo on a cake that the machine can't just fix, like a human baker could. So it’s definitely not perfect. But it is, as the TikTok user says in the video’s caption, a “fun novelty.”
Some comments joke that "no job is safe" with the Cake Writer robot.
Here’s the thing. I could totally see myself avoiding the sometimes awkward interactions with people and just using the Cake Writer for a quick, easy, and simple cake for a loved one or friend. But it still wouldn't be my first choice in most situations. And, while some comments under the video note fears over their jobs being taken, others are quick to joke about it instead.
“And there goes my job. I feel like an assembly line worker in the early years of the change,” one user commented with crying laughing emojis. Another wrote, “I hate recent technological advancements as a rule but THIS is a good use of that knowledge.”
And someone who actually used to work in a bakery is all for the Cake Writer. They wrote, “I wish I had this when I worked in the bakery. People would always come in after the decorator left. It would have helped so much!”
Right now, the Cake Writer is at some Kroger locations, but it isn't a permanent fixture. And I’d be lying if I said I wasn't considering typing in an inappropriate message or two to see if the Cake Writer will actually make a cake with that on it. What can I say — I’m pro-robot.