Annoying Kid on Subway Won't Move His Legs so This Guy Just Sat on Him

Updated March 14 2019, 12:49 p.m. ET

An inconsiderate kid laying down on a subway seat who was way too immersed in whatever was going on with his cell phone got a rude awakening from a passenger who wasn't having it.
Ask any commuter who's used to the daily grind of getting on and off of trains and buses, and they will have more than their fair share of stories about rude passengers who clearly don't care about anyone other than themselves.
Whether it's that person who refuses to give up their seats, or put their bags on chairs beside them and makes no effort to move them when they see you walking around looking for a seat — or even that nerd who doesn't silence their cell phone notifications, despite the fact they're staring at the thing and are clearly in an active text conversation for the whole ride.
The utter lack of spatial awareness, or that they're OK with hogging up an entire seat or aisle to themselves, is downright unpleasant.
Often, it's not worth it to start a fight with someone who clearly doesn't care about whether or not they're inconveniencing people or forcing them to stand because they won't move their backpack or purse or iced coffee off the seat next to them.
But there's a person who's even worse than that: the "lay downer," like this kid in the image below.

The image was tweeted out by @da_drought_3, who was just as offended by the fact he was taking up three seating spaces on the subway by probably everyone else in the car at that time. What she ended up documenting, however, will go down in the annals of commuting history forever.
An unsung hero, out of nowhere, decided to sit down on his legs, and it became clear that the kid had no idea someone would step to him like that.

His mother (or what I'm assuming based on a video the twitter user took), the woman with the headphones sitting to his left, was blisfully unaware of her surroundings. I'd like to think she was pumping some 21 Savage and trying to forget the fact that she helped raise a space-wasting monster.
Please, delight in the young man's facial reactions along with the rest of Twitter.

This is the look of a child whose entire world is crumbling down. This is the face of a boy who has never been told, 'No, you can't put your feet up there.' The man who sat on his leg knew there was no reasoning. No reckoning. He taught this young man a very valuable lesson that day, and it's painted on the kid's countenance.
Simply put, it's beautiful. This is what justice looks like.

The woman beside him didn't even say anything to the young man, who we discover is named Joe, until she realizes that she missed her stop because of him. Was he supposed to be keeping his eye out for the stop while she listened to the musical stylings of whoever, blocking out the rest of the world with her sunglasses?
The mortified look on his face in the video says it all, and Twitter just couldn't get enough of the justice. First, he gets schooled by a complete stranger who dressed like some kind of emotionless goth super hero, then, his mother. Or maybe she's his aunt or guardian or relative. Whoever the cheetah pants wearing woman was, she's not happy.

Someone even made t-shirts to commemorate this now iconic moment in subway riding lore.

There were some people who questioned the legality of a grown man sitting on a child's legs while they were riding the subway, and others even went so far as to call it "assault" (come on, we all know it isn't.) But there were still plenty of individuals who echoed a sentiment I'm partial towards: that it was the only way to deal with such an errant transgression of social etiquette.

What do you think? Was the reincarnation of P.S.H. right for sitting on this rude kid's legs? Or should he have gone about getting his seat in a different way?