Here Are Some Memes for the Most Dramatic Sagittarius in Your Life
Updated Nov. 29 2020, 11:41 a.m. ET

When it comes to Sagittarius signs, they always think they're chill, earnest, and undramatic — when secretly, they feed off gossip and turmoil almost more than any other sun sign. Don't believe me? Just ask when the most dramatic divas were born.
Nicki Minaj, Britney Spears, Taylor Swift, Brad Pitt, Raven Symoné, Miley Cyrus, and even Jimi Hendrix were all born between Nov. 2 and Dec. 21. Plus, just think about their perfect matches — Aries, Leo, Gemini, Libra — all signs that live for excitement and honestly enable Sagittarius' need for dramatics.
But OK, they do have other good qualities as well, like their love for adventure, honesty, and their great sense of humor. So as Sagittarius season sets in, we're celebrating with memes that perfectly encapsulate the perpetual Sag mood. Tag a friend, or save these on your phone so you can drag your favorite Sagittarius later.
We said they had good qualities, not that they were altogether great.
Well, well, well. If this isn't every single Sagittarius I know. No, old roommate, I'm not talking SPECIFICALLY about you, but hey, if the shoe fits.
What is it with Sagittarius and their brutal (honestly painful) honesty?! And about that love of Tetris... I might need to do a quick fact check.
Just a normal conversation between two loving partners, nothing to see here.

On the one hand, thank you for being cute and awesome. On the other, it's like, did we even make a plan to hang tonight, bro?
Post Malone may be a Cancer, but this meme is SO Sag
Oh, fun-loving Sagittariuses with their side order of shade. "Laughing in incendiary" is every Sag I've ever loved. Naturally, because I'm a Gemini.
Just the simple things.

If you know anything about Sagittarius, it's that they're funny, painfully idealistic, and totally competitive. What sums their qualities up better than this dream?
These are a few of their favorite things.
Did we mention Sags are hilarious, unrealistically ambitious and ADORE drama? No wonder I get on with them so well, TBQH.
When they ask for your opinion, you're better off shutting up.

They're not asking for your opinion, they're asking for your approval. And honestly, they don't need your approval to continue whatever they were going to do, anyway.
Sags really have more crushes than there are hours in the day.
Between their insane plans to woo one billion people on earth and their crazy ambitions of making history in their fields, it's no wonder that most Sag ideas end up getting scrapped before they're able to be explored.
"Sagittarians are optimistic, relentless, progressive, and adventurous."
Yeah, I think Britney's facial expression here pretty much encapsulates all of that.
Like most signs, Sagittarians are a complex blend.
There are so many different emotions going on right here and all of them are kinda narcissistic and destructive. Tremendous.
Sagittarius season is upon us.
Start acting like you're happy, or else.
It really is a terrifying sign when you think about it.
But, I mean, at least they're bringing cake, so that's nice. Perhaps as a consolation gift for the inevitable emotional Sagittarius breakdown you're inevitably going to be subjected to.
Oh. My. God.
This is the way to kick off Sagittarius Season. Seriously, there's no better way. And yes, I know it's the pole that spins and not the person, but it's still impressive.
That's the Sagittarius strut.
Look at that hip sway. You better be doing that all throughout November 22nd until December 21st.
Not everyone is as excited about the season as others, however.
Some Sagittarians just want to see the world burn, I guess.
The conflicting emotions of the Sagittarius.
Sure, it might be funny for you, but have you tried living with this kind of torment day in, day out? It's fun.
There are other signs who aren't so stoked about Sagittarius season.
Virgos trying to steal all that Sagittarius glory? Such a Virgo thing to do, amirite?
And here are even more choice memes to help ring in the season.
Seriously, if you know Sagittarians, then this totally makes sense. And if you don't, well, they're still pretty funny screenshots.
Sure, throat Chakra work.
Hard to define that that is, but maybe we should all just take this person's word for it.
The man who saved 2020 is even celebrating Sagittarius season.
How's that for a TikTok dance?
There's an undeniable connection ...
Between late '90s and early 2000s pop sensations and Sagittarians. That's all there is to it.
There's also a consensus that Sagittarians are the realest.
If any other signs would like to chime in and offer their opinion...(ahem, Libras, ahem ahem.)
And while there are plenty of jokes about the "crazy" side of a Sagittarius...
There are some positives that folks think people should implement depending on their specific season. So according to this Twitter account, Sagittarius season is the season of self care.
No one understands the inner workings of a Sagittarius, not even themselves.

But just wow at Britney's impact on the economy as a whole. Never forget the time our favorite Sag was married for 55 hours in Las Vegas, either.
Happy birthday, Sagittarius! Let's be friends forever.
Love, your favorite sign in the world, Gemini <3