TikTok's Same Shirt Prank Proves That Women Are Masters of Pulling One Over on Their Significant Others

Published Nov. 22 2023, 1:21 p.m. ET

The Gist:
- The same shirt prank is a popular trend on TikTok that began in 2022.
- It involves women pranking their significant others by making them all wear the same shirt to an event unknowingly.
- Women then capture their hilarious reactions on camera.
If you identify as a trendsetter, then showing up somewhere and noticing someone has the same shirt as you can kind of feel like a curse. But other times, especially if you’re very tight with your friends, it can be funny. I guess the expression great minds do think alike rings true... or does it?
Enter the same shirt prank on TikTok where folks are showing up to a social event only to realize that they've been bamboozled into wearing the same shirt as half the room. Type #sameshirtprank into the platform and you’ll find a medley of videos where you’ll think you’re seeing double… wait, no triple… wait, how many people are wearing the same shirt? Below, we unpack the same shirt prank.

What is the same shirt prank on TikTok?
The same shirt prank became popular on TikTok in 2022. In the majority of videos, the prank works like this: A group of friends, typically consisting of couples, will have plans to hang out.
Without being too obvious, all the women in the group will buy their boyfriend/husband the same shirt and encourage them to wear it when they meet up with their friends. Fast forward to when they meet up and every guy notices that he is wearing the same shirt as all of the other men.
In many of these videos, each man, or rather prankee, is filmed walking in and acknowledging that they have the same shirt as the other male(s). At first, the men usually think it's a coincidence. But usually after the third prankee rolls in with matching drip, the guys will start to realize that they were all just pawns in the ladies' game of "Gotcha!"
Most of these videos are paired with the Love Grows (Where My Rosemary Goes) audio on TikTok.
Furthermore, in these videos, the entrances are usually staggered, suggesting that the ladies are likely in a group chat arranging when everyone will walk in — and usually one woman is the designated camera person.
This prank oftentimes seems to take place during a holiday get-together as men may ask their partners for advice on what to wear. However, the prank can be pulled anytime.
Usually, it's groups of women tricking their male partners into this, but there's no stopping men from taking matters into their own hands and tricking their wives and girlfriends into all wearing the same top.
In fact, in this video, it was like a double same shirt prank Friendsgiving style. The women tricked the men into all wearing the same turkey button-downs. And the men all tricked their better halves into all wearing the same sparkly sweater.
But other than that, there aren't too many instances of men pulling the same shirt prank on women. Perhaps women are just more adept at it.
As one person wrote in a response to a same shirt prank video: "No one ever gives all the ladies credit for being able to successfully make their husband's where a particular shirt without raising any flags."

That said, if your partner is ever pressing you to wear a certain shirt to a social event, you may soon become a victim of the same shirt prank. Luckily, this is a pretty fun prank, though.