Restaurant Server Says When a Customer Died in the Bathroom They Kept Serving

Published Nov. 17 2022, 9:45 a.m. ET

Some companies are so obsessed with their bottom-line, they operate with callous brutality, putting normal operations before human decency. That's how a server and TikToker @itsbrittneybi**h131 opens up her montage of tales from the food service industry, which recently went viral.
She shares several examples of how the restaurant she worked in skirted health code violations and expressed a blatant disregard for the safety of workers or customers. Like when they kept running service after a customer died, or the time they glossed over a worker having a seizure and cutting their head open. She also shared an anecdote about the entire staff getting high off of edibles one night, along with other gnarly tales that sound like something straight out of an R-rated comedy.
She writes in a text overlay for the video: "Moments from working in the food service industry that altered my brain chemistry" and goes on to say: "This past summer, a guy died in my restaurant's bathroom. Like, choked and died and his wife was like on her knees screaming and crying and asking God why, and we didn't shut down the restaurant. We kept serving people, and when they were taking his body out in the body bag, I was taking table 31's food to them."

She continued, "Another time, one of my co-workers had a seizure and she hit her head on one of those metal shelves and so there was blood everywhere and I was holding her head until the ambulance got there. And after the ambulance got there, I got in trouble for not taking care of my tables."

"One time we had a work Christmas party and someone brought edibles so everyone was high as hell on edibles. And then the GM got extremely drunk and got up and gave a speech about how much she absolutely just f--king hated everybody, and one of the main people she talked about was me."

That's not the last of her wild tales, however: "We had an old couple call corporate complaining about me because I said, 'how are you guys?' And she was like, 'I'm not a man' and literally cussed me out. She was like, 'I'm done talking to you, I'm not eating here anymore,' and literally almost got me fired over saying 'how are you guys?'"

"When four cooks got in a fist fight, we had to shut down the whole restaurant," she adds. "When we discovered mold in all of our fridges and literally all of our food and our GM told us that we didn't have the money to replace and told us to literally ignore it and never talk about it again."

The hits just kept on coming, "This old couple came in an,d before I could introduce myself, he laid out thirty $1 bills on the table and told me that those were my strikes and to not mess up. And he just kept taking them away for, like, literally the most random things and then stiffed me."

She capped it off with this final anecdote: "When the cooks drank way too much Fireball and blacked out and we had to cook our own food..." before saying, "I love serving."

Viewers chimed in with their own horror stories of working in the food service industry. One who worked in a "horror-themed" restaurant said they were told to tell guests the rats in the dimly lit eatery were actually "shadow puppets," while another said a coworker "accidentally served a toddler whiskey."

Have you ever worked as a server in a restaurant? Do you have any horror stories of your own?