Here's the Meaning Behind the "Simp Nation" Challenge on TikTok

Updated Dec. 23 2019, 2:55 p.m. ET

While trends on TikTok can easily be confusing, there's a new one going around that isn't really anything new. The "Simp Nation" challenge features someone explaining a scenario, usually where they're doing something to get the attention of someone they like, only for it not to work, and the TikToker welcomes them to the "Simp Nation," all to the wonderful sound of Post Malone's "Rockstar."
But what does it mean to be a part of the "Simp Nation?"
What's the Simp Nation meaning on TikTok? A "simp" is a boy who does something nice for a girl, hoping she'll date him.
Think: the friendzone, but with a new name. A "simp" is a guy who does something nice for a girl, hoping that it'll make the girl want to date him, and then is wholly disappointed when she doesn't. It's based on the idea of being submissive to your partner, and while both guys and girls participate in this TikTok trend, it's mostly men making the memes.

Urban Dictionary defines "Simp Nation" as "the collective of all simps. Do not become a part of Simp Nation and helps bros who might be succumbing to Simp Nation!" Really, being a "simp" just means that you're not always calling all of the shots.
Not only is this clearly a bad joke, but some of them are downright appalling.
A lot of them encourage toxic behaviors.
While there are a lot of "Simp Nation" TikToks that we're sure are meant to just be a joke, that doesn't change that some of them take simple, friendly behaviors and twist them into being submissive behaviors.
Examples like, "If you ever left the boys hanging on PS4 to FaceTime your girl," "When you pay for her dinner but she's just a friend," or "When you buy her a present and she's not even your girlfriend," are really just nice gestures that shouldn't come with strings attached.
And then there are others that, even if meant as a joke, clearly exude the idea that men expect something from women just for being "nice."

"If you gave a girl a ride and didn't get anything in return," "If you've ever told a girl she looks better without makeup on," and "If you've ever laughed at girl's joke" give off the idea that normal human interactions between men and women mean that either the woman is expected to return the favor in some way (usually in a romantic or sexual capacity), or men who don't expect that are weak.
Some just encourage downright toxic behaviors. Ones like, "If you let her have a boy best friend after she told you 'he's just a friend,'" give the impression that controlling behavior is OK, and those who don't are weak, or "simps."
However, some point out toxic behavior in a good way.
While there are a lot of negative expectations shown in these memes, there are some that point out behaviors that aren't so healthy to have in relationships.
"If you ever did a girl's homework because she 'didn't have time' to do it," "If you ever forgave your girl for cheating on you," and "If you're planning on wishing them a Merry Christmas or a Happy New Year as an excuse to talk," are examples of behaviors that clearly show an unhealthy dynamic.
So, while most of those making "simp nation" memes are just boys whining about their crush not falling for them, some of them are a little more insightful. But really, this meme isn't anything more than a new take on the "friend zone."