Turns out 'The Simpsons' Predicted Daenerys' Crazy Character Shift Two Years Ago

Updated May 15 2019, 11:25 a.m. ET

When it comes to predicting significant cultural events, The Simpsons has some eerie accuracy. It turns out the prognosticating powers of the writerson this long-running animated Fox show extend to other popular shows, to.
In this instance, they saw last Sunday's Game of Thrones coming.
There's been a lot of talk about the show's eighth and final season and how it pretty much sucks.
There's been a lot of thought as to how this actually happened, namely, that George R.R. Martin is a "pantser" writer who allows his characters to breathe and weaves an intricate plot around them, rather than trying to force some type of message or ending. It's a huge reason why Game of Thrones felt so organic leading up to the final two seasons.
Many fans feel like a lot of moments in this final season are "forced," and chief among them is Daenerys Targaryen's "sudden" shift from being a kind and benevolent ruler to a "Mad Queen."

Her twist has divided fans, forced mothers to explain their daughters' names, and led to one of the worst Rotten Tomatoes reviews for any episode in the show's history.
But if you were a big fan of a Thrones-inspired spoof The Simpsons pulled off two years back, then you probably weren't all that surprised Dany went crazy and started burning up King's Landing and a bunch of innocent women and children in the process.
"The Serfsons", which was the premiere episode of season 29 (holy moly that's a lotta seasons!) aired back in 2017, and depicted the Simpsons as a bunch of peasants living in a fantasy world a lot like Westeros. It packed hilarious takes on the Night King, three-eyed ravens, and dragons.
Homer manages to bring one of the mythical beasts back to life and, in typical Homer fashion, it doesn't end well.
And by not ending well I mean that the dragon burns an entire village to the ground. Watch the clip of it here:
Reddit user ando772 discovered the similarities and posted them online. You have to wonder if maybe one of the GOT showrunners was sitting around watching the cartoon and it subconsciously got into their brain because, holy smokes. There are even a couple shots that line up almost identically:

Game of Thrones fans were shocked to discover that America's favorite animated family, yet again, managed to predict the future.

Some even pointed out that the show nailed the look of King's Landing as well. Personally, I think it appears to be a generic "Ye Olde World" type of landscape, but I could definitely see the architecture as looking like something straight out of the show.

It's worth mentioning that The Simpsons isn't the only show to have predicted the future, either. And in 29 seasons, maybe the writers have to dig so deep within themselves that they eventually become clairvoyant while searching for new material.
Family Guy made headlines back in 2015 when they predicted Caitlyn Jenner's gender transition.
Then there was the time they joked about Kevin Spacey's allegations in a way that was very, very on the nose.
Something about those Fox cartoons man. Now if only The Simpsons or Family Guy would do an episode on lottery numbers...