"I Have Not Spoken to Her" — Sister Steals Woman's Boyfriend and Family Now Supports It

Published Oct. 9 2023, 11:13 a.m. ET
It’s long been said that family is forever and friends are the family that we choose. Most people believe that no matter what, you should never betray your family members. However, there have been countless stories of family members betraying one another to serve their interests — from stealing businesses to accusing others of the most heinous actions.
Unfortunately, one woman has learned that her family has no qualms about betraying her over something wrong and disrespectful. In a TikTok video, a woman explained that her sister stole her boyfriend and her family had decided to support the sister’s actions. Here’s the full scoop.

A sister steals a woman’s boyfriend and the family has now decided to support her actions.
Some say blood is thicker than water, others say friends will be more loyal to you than your own family. In Oct 5, 2023, TikTok video, creator Kat (@spicyykatt) shared a video explaining that she’s distancing herself from her family due to them supporting her sister dating her ex-boyfriend of four years.
“I can’t believe this is happening,” the video caption reads.
As the video starts, Kat says that she will talk about the situation on her social media because she can do whatever she pleases.
“My family seems to think they can control whatever I post on social media on my account. So guess what? We’re going to talk about it,” Kat said.
Kat revealed that she had been dating her now ex-boyfriend for four years. Nearly six months after she broke up with him, her older sister decided to date him.
She shared that she’s not upset over her ex, but is more upset that her sister would betray her in that manner. Keep in mind, Kat’s family already endured a loss with her brother, so she said that her sister’s actions initially tore the family apart.
“She caused further division in my family on top of completely betraying me,” Kat said. "I have not spoken to her since. She is blocked. She has been blocked for about a year and a half.”
Kat explained that her family has always been on her side about things. The family stated that Kat’s ex was not allowed at their homes or able to attend any family functions. Kat was “always given first priority” to holiday gatherings and family events.
“If I wanted to go or if I could make it to the family event, she wasn’t able to attend,” Kat said.
However, she recently got a call from her parents who told her that since it’s been a year and a half now, she needs to get over it.
“We’re tired of doing separate functions. We’re tired of you having to come to one and she has to come to others,” Kat recalled hearing from her parents.
In essence, Kat said that her parents's decision to stop having separate events or giving her first priority has backed her into a corner. She feels disrespected since her sister is the one who caused the contention between them. So now, she said that she will not attend any family functions or anything due to their change of heart.
She went on to ask social media users if she was wrong about her feelings.
TikTok users believe that Kat’s family is wrong for telling her to get over the betrayal.
Unfortunately, some family members like to practice the art of manipulation to get their way despite their personal feelings. So once Kat took to TikTok to share her feelings about the situation, the majority of social media users agreed with her sentiments.
“This is wrong in so many ways. What an evil sister. I could never imagine a sister doing that. And for your family to accept it is UNACCEPTABLE! I’m sorry,” one person shared.
“I’d cut all ties. And since they’re watching, let them watch you glow and grow. They’ll regret it when they see you're doing amazing without them,” another person said.
“Family isn’t always blood. It’s about who’s there for you. How can they even look at her the same for what she did to you? So sad. I’m sorry,” another user shared.
Sadly, others pointed out the possibility that Kat’s sister and her ex-boyfriend may have already been connecting while Kat was still dating him. While it appears that Kat’s family is set on their decision, it’s clear that she has the support of so many people, many who have offered to be her new family.