Mom of Newborn Hands Out Candy and Earplugs to Passengers Before Long Flight

Updated March 1 2019, 8:59 a.m. ET

If you've flown even once in your life, then statistically you're probably already very familiar with the crying baby scenario. You've either by experiencing it or hearing someone complain about it prematurely while boarding the flight. It's completely understandable after all; unless you're in first class, air travel is uncomfortable enough as it is. Add a five hour soundtrack of a howling child to the mix and suddenly uncomfortable goes to really, really bad.
I've seen people side-eye parents of young children on flights before and even had to speak to an upstanding citizen who continued to exclaim, "Man, that baby is so loud," to absolutely nobody a few times over when one started crying. The thing is, babies are just that, babies. They don't want to cry just as much as we don't want them to but they do because, once again, they're babies.
I don't have any kids of my own so I don't know what the stigma of flying with children actually feels like, but I'm sure it exists. Parents are probably praying that their kid just sleeps through the entire flight and probably feel like they have a scarlet 'A' on them as they're walking down the aisle to their seat.
Clearly expecting someone to be a bit apprehensive on her flight, one mother actually packed pre-care packages for passengers who would be sharing the 10 hour flight from Seoul, Korea to San Francisco with her and her four month old named Junwoo.
One of the passengers on the plane named David Corona shared photos of the goodie bag to his Facebook page, along with the note from the mother explaining why they were getting them.
Each bag contained some candy, a cookie, and a pair of ear plugs for those who were tempted to be a little extra if they were trying to catch some sleep on the airplane.
Each bag also contained a letter, allegedly from the four month old baby:
"Today, I am going to the US with my mom and grandmom to see my aunt.
"I'm a little bit nervous and scary because it's my first flight in my life, which means that I may cry or make too much noise.
"I will try to go quietly, though I can't make any promises. Please excuse me.
"So my mom prepared a little goodie bag for you! It has some candies and earplugs. Please use it when it's too noisy because of me.
"Enjoy your trip. Thank you."
By the time the plane landed, it turns out that there was nothing to worry about at all. Junwoo didn't make a peep throughout the entire flight.
Was it necessary? Absolutely not. But you can bet that those passengers hope that Junwoo and his mom are on their airplane on the return flight as well.