Snapchat Users Are Getting Blackmailed With This Rampant Scam — Here's How to Avoid It

Published June 24 2021, 9:14 p.m. ET

If you aren't using two-factor authentication for your devices and accounts with sensitive data, then you're doing yourself a disservice. Most websites and services won't allow you to opt out of dual-factor authentication these days, but if you are given the option, definitely take it as it's a useful tool to combat scammers. But even the dirtiest, most rotten of good-for-nothing con people are using the term to try and separate you from your account data, like this latest Snapchat text message scam.
What is the Snapchat 2FA text message scam?
If you're a die-hard Snapchat user then you've probably received a message or two or 20 about your device getting pinged for dual-factor authentication requests. Tons of users have reported the issue, like Alex Zaboura who tweeted: "Alright so it seems everyone is getting 2FA texts. It's been happening to me today since the afternoon. I think it’s prolly [sic] a glitch in the system or something because even after changing a password to an insanely [sic] amount of characters, we still seem to get these texts."

He continued, "@snapchatsupport I filed a support ticket but wanted to flag that I am getting Snapchat 2FA codes via text every 10-15 minutes. I can’t block bc it’s coming from different phone numbers. Someone is manually entering my phone number. Please help resolve!"
It's important to note that the 2FA text messages are coming from Snapchat — this is much different from a regular old phishing attempt.
Typically, phishers and spammers will spin a yarn about your account's impending deletion status or that the IRS needs you to pay them in Amazon gift cards with the endgame of getting you to click on a link that'll either infect your computer with malware or redirect you to a page that looks quasi-legit where you're asked to fill in your personal information.
But this scam seems to be spamming users with legit 2FA messages from Snapchat itself, and some users are getting hit with the message every couple of minutes, which is understandably annoying. The worst part is that the text messages are coming from different numbers every time, so it's not just a matter of simply blocking a number and going about your day.
Snapchat hasn't officially addressed the issue online, but that hasn't stopped plenty of users from voicing their displeasure in constantly receiving the notification.
"I keep getting Snapchat codes! What should I do?"
If it's becoming too annoying to bear, a "fix" could be to just simply temporarily disable your Snapchat account and then try re-enabling it in a day or two to see if the messages stop.
It's also important to note that you shouldn't respond to these messages or accept the 2FA message. What's going to happen is someone's going to get a hold of your account, look through your saved photos, and then probably either try to blackmail you with them or see if they can get their hands on any personal data they can make money off of.