Soulja Boy Is Releasing His Very Own Gaming Console — Again!

Published Feb. 22 2021, 3:55 p.m. ET

There are many celebrities out there who have branched out of their line of work and been a part of unique projects. It's not unusual for stars to be entrepreneurs in the food, fashion, and even tech industries! For instance, rapper Soulja Boy is pursuing other endeavors outside of music and it might shock many of you. As an avid gamer, Soulja Boy has recently been working on releasing his own gaming console.
You'll be even more surprised to hear (if you didn't already know) that this actually isn't the first time the world has heard about Soulja Boy wanting to create something in the gaming space. Find out what he's working on right now and what the process of curating his own console has been like.

Soulja Boy is coming out with a gaming console.
2021 is looking like a big and exciting year for Soulja Boy! In February of 2021, the rap icon's official Instagram account for his gaming business — Soulja Game — made a post with the picture of a console unit featured that they were working on something. The photo was was simply captioned with: "#SouljaGame."
And on their Twitter account, just a day after that initial Insta post, the company tweeted: "Soulja Game coming soon...." It really seems like this new product might be here any day now with the way they have been recently promoting it. On Instagram, they also showed a video of what is probably the up-and-coming device.
In that one, seconds-long clip we can tell a few things about the console. For instance, it's white and looks very sleek. It also doesn't look very big in size either.
It's unknown as to when Soulja Boy plans on making his invention available for purchase, but we're assuming some time this year. He and his team on Soulja Game are hoping to make this creation even better than when they first made efforts to produce an authentic gaming appliance. "Building a new console from scratch, all new design. All new games. All new deals. Let’s make history," the brand said in a recent tweet.
A few years ago, Soulja Boy dropped some of his own electronic products.
During the holiday season in 2018, Soulja came out with the SouljaWatch, SouljaPods, SouljaPhone and SouljaHeadphones.
People weren't too confident about his new merchandise and didn't have the greatest thoughts on it. According to Rolling Stone, the console wasn't even exactly a console. Apparently, "the SouljaGames consoles created by Anbernic are emulators, which means they exist only to host a variety of games made by other companies."
But Soulja Boy was ready for the negative feedback. “I know it’s new to the industry. I know they’re scratching their heads and there’s going to be a lot of talk, but hey man, I’m just a person with a dream,” he said. “I know that I’ve been introduced to the world as a rapper, dancer, producer, but don’t just limit me to that and think outside the box and really give me a shot with this,” he told Rolling Stone.
But he did have a direct response to those who said his hardware were just emulators. He shared his thoughts with Rolling Stone on the topic: "Honestly, I just think that when you’re coming out with a new product you’re gonna be criticized. You have to deal with criticism, but I think that once people actually get this product in their hands and get to review it themselves, personally, I think it’ll be a different outcome."
Soulja has dreamed of working in the gaming world.
Once he became successful in music, Soulja had a new goal of building a career in gaming. He had always loved playing video games when he was a kid, so this venture was a long time coming. "This idea came to me a while back. I had this idea like years ago. I’ve always been interested in gaming growing up as a kid. I played games all my life. So once I got into the music industry and I was successful with my music I always wanted to get into the gaming world," he told Rolling Stone.
Before he jumped into building his own console, he dropped a video game. "[F]irst I did a video game," he said. "I started off with a video game and I did two actual games. They were on iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. The first game was called Beef With Soulja and the second game was called Fighting Soulja – Draco Edition. It was like two mobile games I released."
Once he accomplished that goal, he was ready to go even bigger. "I was like, 'You know what? Forget making the video game for Xbox, PlayStation, and PC. How about I make my own console?'" And the rest is history! Maybe Soulja is the next gaming mogul! We'll just have to wait and see!