TikToker Roasted for Installing Speed Bumps in Front of Her House to Curb Neighbor’s "Speeding"

Published Sept. 2 2022, 1:57 p.m. ET

Neighborhood safety is an understandable concern that many people have, especially when you have kids. If there's some weirdo prowling the streets of your community, you're going to want to warn others about them and do whatever you can to ensure that your family, friends, and neighbors are safe.
And if there's someone who's speeding through your town in a car, that's another cause of concern.
Sadly, a large number of child pedestrian tragedies normally occur well within the vicinity of their homes, so if you see someone wigging out on an individual speeding in a residential area, that frustration and anger is coming out of a data-driven (not to mention common sense) place of fear for child safety.
However, there are many TikTokers who believe that this woman's ire towards a neighbor who was allegedly speeding in front of her house is a perfect example of Karen-ism in action. In a series of viral clips, the social media user records the neighbor driving past their home at a speed many thought was underwhelming, and documented her installation of speed bumps to make them drive more slowly.
Few people sympathized with the "Speed Bump Karen" with many commenting that there was nothing she uploaded in her videos that seemed to suggest installing them on the road in front of her home was justified.

Others said that while she may own her front lawn and the other property that her home sits on, that she doesn't own the road and shouldn't be installing speed bumps on it to force people to drive more slowly.

The TikToker in question seems to wear the "Karen" moniker with pride as her TikTok account is literally titled @speedbumpkaren. She writes in a text overlay in the now-viral clip: "My neighbor speeds past my house every single day."

She proceeds to upload clips of the car driving by at what appears to be a normal speed for a residential area.
"Despite being asked nicely to slow down," another text overlay reads. "We have two young children whose safety I'm worried about." More footage of the car driving by the home, again, nothing suggesting that they are driving excessively fast.

Then the video cuts to a shot of speed bumps on Amazon. "I can't take much more before I take action.... Speed bumps ordered. Speed bumps delivered." The TikTok shows a FedEx truck backing up into what it presumably the TikToker's driveway, then the clip cuts to the road with the text, "We set them up this past weekend."

The next portion of the video shows the neighbor driving slowly over the newly installed speed bumps. @Speedbumpkaren then writes: "This is how she drove by this morning. Needless to say, they worked. But check out how she drives after the last one she may be a little angry."
The car proceeds to drive over the speed bumps at a reduced speed.

In a follow up video, she addressed a comment where someone asked if she didn't have a backyard for her children to play in. In the clip she shows off an inflatable water slide along with a large trampoline with a net enclosure. Some commenters remarked that this trampoline poses a greater risk to her children's safety than the normal speed at which her neighbor was driving in the videos she uploaded to TikTok.
She uploaded a third video where she said that the road in front of her home isn't a city or county-owned road. She clarifies that she's recording her footage from on top of a hill and that "multiple times she has almost hit people head on" while driving up the hill. She also clarified that her children do not play on the road.
She even challenged anyone to "call the po-po hoe" because it would ultimately just result in a "civil suit" and that her neighbor will have to take her to court if she tries to turn the speed bump installation into a legal issue.
In further videos she said that she doesn't care what commenters say or feel and uploaded additional videos to drive the fact home that she is unbothered by the fact people are calling her a "Karen."
She also addressed questions from those who are saying that the speed bumps need to be accompanied by signs, which it appears she had installed on the side of the road as well.
@speedbumpkaren continues to post clips documenting her decision to install speed bumps in front of her home.