Does 'Spider-Man: Far from Home' Have a Post-Credits Scene?

Updated July 3 2019, 8:41 a.m. ET

Does Spider-Man: Far From Home have a post-credits scene? It seems like all movies these days have a little something for fans after the credits are done rolling, a trend that's been popularized by the Marvel Cinematic Universe since Iron Man was released back in 2008.
While all Spider-Man movies have done pretty well when it comes to the box office, not all of them were actually "good" per se.
In fact, the most that viewers could've hoped for was an "OK" Spider-Man experience whenever they were walking into the theaters. The Sam Raimi films were a little too hokey, and let's not forget how bad the absolute poop factories Spider-Man 3 and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 were.
But Homecoming did it right. It managed to usher in a new Spider-Man, ditch the same old origin story that's been told so many times, and actually have a compelling villain. All while tying into the greater MCU.
Far From Home continues that trend of awesomeness and ups the ante even more. The film's getting loads of praise from both critics and fans alike. Just look at the early reviews on Rotten Tomatoes — people are going absolutely ga-ga for the movie. And it looks like Marvel and Sony Pictures knew they had a winner that'll have people coming back for more because they dropped a series of absolute doozies after the credits.

Spider-Man: Far From Home spoilers ahead!
This should go without saying but there are MASSIVE spoilers ahead for the film. Seriously, if you don't want anything "ruined" for you then please stop reading.
While the Far From Home trailers and press present Mysterio as a good guy, most fans of the Spider-Man series know that this was probably all smoke and mirrors. Which is very fitting of the classic Spidey villain's MO.
Mysterio isn't necessarily a "bad guy" through and through. In the film, he's a former disgruntled employee of Tony Stark and wants to ruin the man's legacy as well as screw over a bunch of superheroes in the process. Using the hologram technology, EDITH, created by Stark industries, Mysterio wreaks havoc on the world. Spider-Man ultimately discovers that Mysterio's a bad guy and the two face off in an epic showdown on Tower Bridge.

Mysterio ends up commanding a swarm of drones he's going to use to terrorize London, along with the crazy EDITH technology built into his suit that's warping reality around him. Peter's able to only defeat Mysterio by relying on his "Spidey Sense," a skill that hasn't really been explored with this iteration of Spider-Man before, and wade through Mysterio's illusions. Ultimately, he's able to best Mysterio, who is killed by a gun he attempts to shoot Peter Parker with that misfires.
Far From Home mid- and post-credits scenes revealed!
So there's a mid-credits scene and a post-credits scene in the movie. The mid-credits scene reveals that Mysterio had planned being defeated by Spider-Man so he had a back-up. The man is a master of illusion and understands that public perception is everything. He knows everyone around the world in the movie, including the marketing for the film itself (whoa, meta bro), saw Mysterio as a "good guy."

Part of his "plan" was to upload footage of Spider-Man attacking him and doctoring the video to make it appear as if Spidey was the one turning on the drones and letting them loose all around London. Even after he's defeated, Mysterio "wins" and makes Spider-Man out to be the bad guy.
But the other part of the end-credits scene that really ups the ante is the reveal of J. Jonah Jameson and he's played by... J.K. Simmons. I know, right?!
The actor was arguably the best part of the Sam Raimi films (him and Willem Dafoe) and he's reprising his role as an alternate-version of the famed newsroom manager.
J.J. runs, a site that thrives on disseminating fake news and conspiracy theories, and it blows up after spreading Mysterio's video all over the world.
J.J. declares Spider-Man a menace to society and proclaims that Mysterio is the greatest superhero to have ever lived: "There you have it folks — conclusive proof that Spider-Man was responsible for the brutal murder of Mysterio... who will no doubt go down in history as the greatest superhero of all time!"

Far From Home sets the stage for the Sinister 6 storyline.
Fans of Spider-Man have long desired the Sinister 6 to grace the big-screen and it looks like Far From Home has set that up quite nicely. One of the other bombshells of the post-credits scene was Mysterio's reveal of Spider-Man's identity. That's right, at the end of Far From Home everyone knows that Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Which has scary implications for the young man (he's just a kid) and his Aunt May.
In the comics, the Sinister 6 (the original members were Doctor Octopus, Mysterio, Kraven the Hunter, Electro, Sandman, and Vulture, whom we met in Homecoming already) join forces to finally defeat Spider-Man.
Don't be surprised if one or more of these villains make an appearance in the next Spider-Man film where Peter will have to battle them and the rest of the world to clear his name.

The stage is set for the Sinister 6 storyline (say that five times fast) even more when you consider the post-credits scene of Homecoming when Vulture meets up with Mac Gargan, aka "Scorpion" in prison. Scorpion tells Vulture he's putting a team together to take down Spider-Man, and Adrian Toomes quickly lies in order to keep Parker's identity a secret.
However, being away from his daughter for five years might make him change his mind about the whole "protecting" Peter Parker idea. Either that or it could be a source of dramatic tension between the villainous team down the line.
There are different iterations of the Sinister 6, however, with different members, and we'll just have to see the villains that Marvel and Sony decide to introduce into the Spider-Man films. We already know that Scorpion, Mysterio, and Vulture are probably a part of the group. Any idea as to the three others that'll be introduced? My money's on Doc-Ock, for sure.

Then the after-after credits scene reveals that Nick Fury's character in the film wasn't Nick Fury at all, but the lovable Skrull from Captain Marvel, played by Ben Mendelsohn. As it turns out, Fury is relaxing somewhere on a Skrull ship, and he's up to something (we just don't know what) but it looks big.
Far From Home had a lot going in after-the-credits, which is saying a lot for an MCU film. It looks like they really are relying on Spidey to "fill the shoes" of Iron Man, not just narrative-wise, but IRL too.