Theater Employee's Viral TikTok Shows Mess Left by ‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ Fans

Published Jan. 1 2022, 9:42 a.m. ET

There are certain rules of etiquette and class that people should be expected to follow. Like if you're going into someone's home, you do your best not to make a mess. If you're taking your dog out for a play date, you're going to want to make sure to keep your pooch in check so they don't get into a violent tiff with other people's puppies.
For some reason though when it comes to businesses, people's rules of propriety seem to go out the window, however. If you walk through a supermarket, you'll see tons of items that don't belong in certain aisles or departments just chilling on a shelf.
Ice cream in front of loves of wheat bread, or slabs of meat that should be refrigerated placed precariously on the edge of a 12-pack of Fresca.
And don't even get me started on the alarming number of folks who seemingly can't be bothered to place their shopping carts in the carousel/collection area because they don't have another 20 or so seconds to spare.
But what about folks who leave movie theaters trashed? Where do they fall on the spectrum of disrespect when it comes to corporate property?

And while technically yes, it's the job of theater employees to maintain the aesthetics of a theater so that other folks who are waltzing into said theater to catch a flick they were very, very excited about, just how much trash can be left behind before it becomes a massive problem?
Whatever that threshold is, there's a huge number of TikTok-ers who believe that this video shared by @thatonecinemarkemployee, certainly surpasses it.
It's no secret that the biggest release of 2021 and the first post-pandemic film to break $1 billion is Spider-Man: No Way Home. The Tom Holland led Marvel flick appears to have successfully brought folks back into the theaters, however, there's at least one movie-house that seems to have gotten all of the folks who've lost their minds when it comes to public propriety.

In a now-viral TikTok clip, @thatonecinemarkemployee showed just how shellacked one of their screening rooms were following a showing of No Way Home.
Nearly every aisle was completely covered in debris. It looked like such an impossibly disgusting wasteland of indoor garbage that one commenter said they would charge every single customer who was in that particular theater an extra $10 for the extra work.

Another said, "you guys need a raise after this or hazard pay when a big movie like this comes out."
The TikTok-er who made the post wrote after the clip went viral, "I just want to make it clear that I love my job and this was in no way me complaining just thought it was funny enough to share."

But a lot of folks were still flabbergasted by the sheer disrespect from the movie-goers: "Just bc it’s their job to clean doesn’t give you the right to make huge messes. I always throw any trash out no matter where I am. Manners."
Another penned, "It’s the ‘it’s not my job’ people that really always are the nastiest/dirtiest then get offended when you call them out. Like? Who raised you?"
From the looks of it? Apathetic parents, maybe?