Flight Turns Around Mid-Air to Escort One Man off Plane, Passenger Erupts

Published May 3 2023, 8:19 a.m. ET

No one flies airlines like Spirit or Frontier by choice — it's usually done out of either economic necessity or because no other airline is offering the route that you need to take.
There are numerous reasons why these airlines are so universally reviled by air commuters. Cancellations have left folks either stranded in airports or scrambling to find other flights or different modes of transportation to get to where they need to go.
And then there's the nickel-and-dime approach the brands take to pretty much every aspect of air travel. However, the recent Frontier Airlines drama posted by TikTok user @lanaisli has to do with the behavior of passengers aboard one of their flights.
In a text overlay on the video, the user writes: "Trenton, N.J. flight to Atlanta, Ga.," and shows a woman standing up from her seat and looking back towards the plane and she screams at another passenger.
"Mind your f------ business," the standing woman says to a passenger seated several rows behind her. A flight attendant then goes up to the screaming woman, who returns to her seat, and informs her that she needs to settle down.
"Has he threatened anybody?" the shouting woman proceeds to loudly exclaim. It seems that she's referring to another passenger onboard that someone else on the plane took issue with.

The screaming woman goes on to say that she finds it "ridiculous" she and this other person are being threatened with getting thrown off of the flight, and she continues to say that the person she is defending hasn't done anything wrong.
It then becomes apparent who the passenger she's referring to is: a man named Tyrese, who is wearing a tan-colored outfit. He then approaches the seated flier the screaming woman was directing her ire at to earlier. He pulls several dollar bills out of his wallet and drops it on the woman, presumably in an attempt to calm her down.
The seated woman then takes the cash and throws it towards him, but it falls in front of her. The seated woman can then be seen taking the money she tried throwing back at the man, picking it up off the floor and collating it in her hands.

Tyrese is then escorted off the plane without saying an additional word by someone wearing an orange security vest. The screaming woman from earlier gets up and starts yelling at the woman Tyrese dumped money onto just a few seconds prior.
"Mind your business we've been asking you to mind your business this whole plane ride. What're you so invested in us for? What're you so invested in us for?"
Another passenger chimes in with a comment, which the screaming woman agrees with: "Exactly, she needs to get off the plane if anything."
The screaming woman then goes on to say that the other passenger has been "antagonizing" her and Tyrese "the whole time," before turning to another flier and apologizing to him for her outburst.
In a second part of the video, she tells the other passenger that he's heard the other flier making "remarks" to her and Tyrese the entirety of the plane ride. The man then turns to the seated woman and reminds her that there are children on board and they're making the flight uncomfortable for everyone.

At the end of the video other passengers get in on the argument which then spills into a massive complain-fest which ends on another passenger proclaiming how disappointing it is that folks are turning against each other for no reason whatsoever.
So what was even the cause of the argument? @lanaisli, who posted the video, had this to say: "the ‘money’ man was arguing with a flight attendant, the pilot made a complete u-turn to get him off everybody mad. We was delayed 1 hour+"