12 Spring Cleaning Chores Your Kids Can Take Care of so You Don't Have To

Published April 15 2022, 10:54 a.m. ET

Spring cleaning isn't just for adults.
There's no rule in the unofficial and unwritten parenting handbook that says you have to do spring cleaning. You have at least one other entire human to care for, so who has time for deep cleaning anyway?
But if you are into the whole extensive scrubbing, mopping, and organizing thing, we have some spring cleaning chores for kids so you can involve them in the experience.
There are plenty of spring cleaning chores for kids.
Regardless of how old or young your kid is, chances are, they can handle a chore or two while you deal with spring cleaning this season. Even if you have a toddler who still can't wipe themselves after using the bathroom, there's at least one spring cleaning chore they can handle.
Read on for some legitimate spring cleaning tasks your kids can take on so you don't have to.

There are lots of spring cleaning chores for kids to do.
Get their help with laundry.
One way to involve your kids with spring cleaning chores is to teach them how to use the washer and dryer in your home. Depending on how old they are, they might need supervision the entire time, but you can help them sort through clothes they no longer want or need and then wash the rest.
Have a spring cleaning scavenger hunt.
One mom shared on Twitter that she crafted a scavenger hunt that is really just a ton of chores and crafts to keep them busy while she works remotely from home. If you can trick your kids into cleaning, then you're definitely working smarter, not harder.
Give them dusting duties.
Nothing says spring cleaning like kicking up a ton of dust and animal dander to inhale and sneeze through. But a thorough dusting of the house is so easy that most kids can handle the task.
Clean out the closets.
Most school-aged and older kids understand the importance of getting rid of things they no longer need and donating the items to charity. In order to do that, you can have them clean out their closets.
And just in case they get done a little too quickly, you can have them move on to the other closets in the house afterward.
Organize the closets.
Once the closets are thoroughly cleaned out, you can have an older child organize them. Use bins from the dollar store to keep things separated and aesthetically pleasing.
Wipe down the cabinets.
If your kid is still too young to not put a cleaning rag in their mouth, this might not be the chore for them. But if they understand the concept of wiping down cabinets without consuming harmful chemicals, then you can add this one to your kid's list for spring cleaning.
Have your kids sweep the garage.
It might not sound like the most glamorous spring cleaning chore, but older kids can usually handle sweeping out the garage. This makes it possible for you to clean out other parts of the garage and it allows your older child to take care of a chore that they can't really rush through without giving away a poorly done job.
Clean out the car.
Having your car professionally detailed is all well and good, but if you can get your kid (or kids) involved in cleaning out a car with a mess they probably contributed to, that's even better. You can entice them by letting them keep whatever loose change they find.
Assign bathroom cleaning duties to older kids.
Older kids are best suited for cleaning bathrooms. Once they hit the age where they can thoroughly clean the bathrooms for spring cleaning and you're no longer subject to the stains they left behind in the toilet bowl, you'll be able to pass the bathroom cleaning torch to them.
Disinfect every light switch and doorknob.
This one is honestly pretty tedious, but if ever there was a time to disinfect the small areas of the house that are touched daily, it may be during spring cleaning. Most kids can easily take a rag or disinfectant wipe and get to every light switch, doorknob, and cabinet handle in your home.
Clean the baseboards.
Sometimes, utilizing your kid's size is the best policy for spring cleaning. Your smaller kids won't have to bend down too far to get to the baseboards and they'll make it so you don't have to do it yourself. Win-win.

Pulling weeds is one spring cleaning chore for kids.
Get them outside to pull weeds.
That's right, spring cleaning doesn't just apply to the inside of your house or car. Your flower beds might have spent the past several months covered in snow, slush, and mud.
Now, you can get a few tiny hands out there to pull out the weeds and prepare your yard for a fruitful spring. Or something like that.