Squirrel Ambushes Man During Conference Call and Chaos Ensues in Hilarious Video

Updated Aug. 19 2023, 1:51 p.m. ET

Most people have a public self and a private self. Even people who feel like they are pretty authentic no matter what the setting, we all perform some form of masking our candid thoughts, feelings, and reactions in certain situations. This is especially true in professional settings, where we tend to try to present ourselves as having it together.
This separation of public and private selves could be why we love to watch people's candid reactions to situations, either when they're not aware others are watching or the circumstances they're facing become too wild to elicit a normal reaction.
We get a glimpse of how the person would truly react to whatever it is that they're dealing with instead of the façade they put on in every day life.
Or, maybe it's because we get to see folks freak out as they would if they think they're alone, which is what happened in this "man versus squirrel" clip.
In the video, we see a gentleman on a work Zoom call, who is alerted to the presence of a squirrel in his home office. It doesn't take long for the situation to escalate, and the man is jumping up on the top of his desk hollering at the rodent while brandishing a wooden baseball bat in an attempt to protect himself.

It's unclear how the squirrel even got into his office, but what is clear is that this man can hit a really high octave, and doesn't like the idea of a small rodent all up in his business.

The video was posted to the TikTok account @whoalaureik, and according to its profile page it's controlled by the wife of the man who had the equal parts scary and hilarious squirrel situation.

Lauren writes: "Chronicling my husband's squirrel encounters." In a caption for the now viral clip, she doesn't really give much context into what happened aside from: "Just your average conference call."

Even though a lot of folks thought the man's reaction was hilarious, several other TikTokers said they probably wouldn't have behaved in the same exact way if they were caught off-guard by a small mammal invading their personal space.

Others questioned why the man was speaking to the creature, as he repeatedly shouted "Go away! Go away!" before becoming louder and less and less intelligible as the squirrel jumped towards his desk.

"All I can hear is Marv from Home Alone 2," commented one viewer.
"When it flew omg," said another.
One person said his reaction "perfectly expressed exactly how I would act in the same situation."
For another viewer, the volume of his screams was the most startling aspect of the video. "Here I am turning my volume up full blast to hear the conference call then having my body go into full blown tremors by the screaming."

Plenty had jokes about the way Lauren's husband conducted himself when face to face with a squirrel in his home:
"Tell me about a time in your previous position that you encountered a challenge and how you handled it…" wrote one person, alluding to a common job interview question.
"How many times has the squirrel interrupted his conference calls to where he keeps a bat handy is my question!?!?!?!" Good question.

According to Lauren, this isn't the first time she and or her husband has encountered this squirrel. "We had been harassed by the squirrel for a couple of days prior," she wrote in the comments section.
Guess that explains why the bat was handy.