The "Stank Walk Challenge" on TikTok Is Easy to Recreate

Updated May 18 2020, 12:25 p.m. ET

In the age of coronavirus, TikTok has kept us entertained, and for that we will always be grateful. But this week, instead of obsessively trying to learn a new dance only to embarrass ourselves in front of our 15 followers, we’ve watched every single example of the "Stank Walk Challenge" we can find.
The trend, which first took off on the platform last month, involves an individual walking into a room with the promise of a good thing, then "stank walking" back out when the caption switches to something less desirable. Here’s what you need to know in order to create your own version.
What is the "Stank Walk Challenge" song?
The song featured in the challenge is "Jus Know" by rapper BlackMayo. Though the snippet being used on TikTok is entirely instrumental except for the very last second, the trend led to a huge spike in views for the track's music video, which was published on YouTube in February 2019.
"At least TikTok shows songs that deserve to be seen," one commenter wrote underneath the video, which currently has over 1.1 million views. A second user added, "Wow TikTok is about to make this song blow up thank god. BlackMayo has been underrated for a long ass time!"
The hip-hop artist has clearly been keeping up with the craze, retweeting a follower who stated, "My boy [BlackMayo] got the most viral song of the whole quarantine lol."
As for the "stank walk" aspect of the challenge, Urban Dictionary defines the term like this: "The way a female walks, when she walks with the small of her back sticking out — or let’s just say she walking with her ass sticking out, putting emphasis on her booty."
So, for example, someone will stank walk in for "Postmates Popeyes," but stank walk out when the "delivery fee is $25." Another popular video features a woman strutting forward "When he fine asf!" but retreating "When he 5’3’’."
According to Know Your Meme, the trend started with TikTok user crayzrah on April 16. Her video shows her entering the room for "When he has [an] iPhone" and exiting after the description switches to "When he has [an] Android."
Not all TikTok challenges are worth trying.
While some videos on the social platform deserve our attention, others "show the worst sides of humanity" — as one person on Twitter puts it. Recently, a few users included the hashtag "#autismchallenge" on videos mocking those with the developmental disorder, causing an uproar.
"Hey @tiktok_us, are you going to do something about this new challenge that makes fun of disabled people… primarily those with autism, or nah?" a frustrated user wrote. "Because I'm pretty sure those videos go against your community standards…"
Other trends, like the "Outlet Challenge," have parents in particular on edge. That fad involves slipping a penny into the narrow slot between a plugged in phone charger and a wall outlet with the goal of seeing sparks. However, what you end up with is actual fires and destroyed outlets. Not so fun.
Please don’t ruin TikTok for the rest of us.