Is Starbucks Actually Giving out Free Drinks to Black Lives Matter Protestors?

Updated June 5 2020, 1:02 p.m. ET

Rumor had it that Seattle-based coffee chain Starbucks was doling out free Frappuccinos to any and all Black Lives Matter protestors, which would have been a truly incredible way for them to advocate for equality. A free drink that would provide those on the frontlines of the protests with a boost of caffeine — as well as a refreshingly cool gulp of ice — would certainly help those fighting for human rights across the country.
Is Starbucks actually giving out free Frappuccinos to Black Lives Matter protestors? It seems as though that rumor may be too good to be true — here's what we know regarding the rumor regarding the coffee chain's response to the movement.

Starbucks' reported "ad" claimed protestors would be rewarded with a free Frappuccino.
Apparently, early on during the Black Lives Matter protests, a Starbucks ad began circulating the internet, claiming that those fighting for equality could treat themselves to a free Frappuccino, according to Hit C. The "ad," which read, "the louder you shout, the larger size you’ll get,” apparently came from the Facebook page of BLM activist Dan Falconoski.
Dan had taken to the social media site with the promotion, and said, "Saw this on Twitter and I couldn’t believe if this coupon was real, so I had to go try it myself. I pulled up in the drive thru and calmly said, ‘Black Lives Matter’ The employee said, ‘Thank you, which one would you like today?'”
Apparently the Starbucks "ad" was simply a social experiment.
Dan's Facebook post apparently garnered over 8,000 shares, but shortly after the post went viral, he returned to the post with a tidbit of news that a handful of followers found disappointing. He explained the ad was merely a hoax to demonstrate how social media users will hop on any trend, as long as they can get something out of it (i.e., a free drink at Starbucks).
"Well that was.... interesting... I had no idea this post would gain so much traction overnight," the post read, challenging users to reflect on hopping aboard a trend before doing so.
"Have some of you been silent on everything going on... only to break that silence to say something you don't even actually mean... just for some free b------t?" Read the full post, below.
However, Starbucks employees are showing their support for the movement with an online petition.
To show their support for the BLM movement, George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and the other Black lives that have unfortunately been lost due to racism, Starbucks employees are speaking up with a petition through, called "Starbucks Employees Support Black Lives." The petition is directed at Starbucks corporate, urging them to take a stance for Black communities and pledge their support.
"The employees of multiple Starbucks stores around the nation are asking Starbucks corporate to use their locations, supplies, and voice to support the protests around the nation that are demanding justice for the murder of George Floyd and other black men and women killed by police officers," the petition reads.
"Starbucks has the opportunity to be the first international company to show support for the demonstrations, giving power to their employees and the communities they live in. Through the following requests Starbucks can support protestors, giving them food and supplies. Taking a stand with the people will show that vulnerable communities can depend on large companies like Starbucks."
While we wish Starbucks was taking a stance on the BLM movement, we're thrilled to see the chain's employees looking to make a change on their own.