Woman Says Starbucks Barista Roasted Difficult Her Order — "Have Fun Making That"

Updated Nov. 5 2023, 11:00 a.m. ET

"I have a story for you guys and I just want to know if I’m the drama,” says TikTok creator April Buckles (@aprilmbuckles) into the camera while filming inside her car. “I just had a really bad encounter at Starbucks,” she says, adding that, in her 12 years of being a customer, she’s never had a negative experience at the coffee chain.
But as of late, the tables have turned. April caught a Starbucks worker roasting her for her order (which he then proceeded to get wrong) on his microphone. Not to mention he was rude and aggressive towards her at the drive-through window.
So, what happened? Keep reading as April unpacks the venti drama she experienced.

April's drink order seems to push this employee over the edge.
April explains she pulled up to the drive-thru to order, admitting her drink order was complicated. It was a trenta iced green tea with 14 packs of agave. While it's not your typical iced coffee, she explains that she has been ordering this drink for over a decade.
Prior to the pandemic, Starbucks locations would have the agave packets out for customers to grab and add to their drinks — which she says she would previously do herself, understanding that Starbucks workers have a lot to handle. “I used to work at McDonalds. I know the service industry is hard,” she explained, But since COVID came, customers have to order agave with their drink, and she has no other choice.
“Today when I told him the order, he was exasperated when he took it,” she said. After he took the order, he said to his co-worker, “have fun making that." April ended up hearing this because he left his mic on. She noted that this was “the first red flag.”
Ignoring the comment, she pulls up to the pick-up window to pay and the barista is completely silent as she awkwardly holds her phone out the window to pay. “He scans it and slams the door shut," she said.
April's drink order is wrong...
When April finally gets her drink, she takes a sip and notices that it's not what she ordered. She asks the employee to check if there was any agave left at the bottom of the shaker that the drink was made in. Without even checking, he tells her there’s nothing there. She takes a second sip and concludes that there is no agave, “It’s not in the cup baby, it’s not there.” she says in the video.
She tells the employee that the order is wrong. However, given that the store closes soon, she didn't ask him to remake it.
But after she said that, he slammed the pick-up window shut so hard that April said "it vibrated."
“Then he storms off in that direction, swinging his hands in the air and saying a bunch of stuff," she says, adding “Shame on you Nico, for having me ask for a manager, I’ve never done that before."

In the comment section, people shared their thoughts. "Nico come onnnnn man," wrote one user. Another user, who previously worked as a barista added: "This is an EASY drink. And the way you were treated was so out of line and uncalled for. I’m sorry this happened.
While some users noted that 14 packs of agave was a little bit extra, most believed that Nico was in the wrong for treating April so poorly.
So April, to answer the question you posed at the beginning of your TikTok, the answer is no. You are not the drama, Nico is.