Aspiring Designer "Forced" to Tell Stepsister She's Too Obese to Model Clothes

Updated Oct. 28 2020, 9:33 a.m. ET

Having uncomfortable conversations with loved ones is never fun. Whenever you're forced to address a sensitive topic with a person you care about, things rarely ever end well and even if you're saying something you wholeheartedly believe needs to be said, you're often left wondering if you did the right thing for both you and your friendship.
One of the shallowest and difficult-to-discuss topics is our appearance.
It's the reason why Instagram followers get millions of fans, or why people have tremendous careers. It's why the beauty industry makes so much money and why throngs of talentless and mindless individuals who were born cute or attractive can get worldwide notoriety on TikTok, leaving other people to rely on personalities and cultivated skills acquired through years of suffering.
And while there are plenty of movements that attempt to overthrow traditional beauty norms, a lot of them are deeply rooted in our species' psyche for whatever reason, and this is especially true of the fashion industry. Which could be why this designer is feeling so guilty about a response she had to her stepsister who wanted to model an article of clothing that she created.

This particular Redditor, intinttin, was put in a situation where they had to tell their stepsister the real reason why they didn't want them to model their clothing. At first, they were trying to go the political route, stating that they already had enough models for their clothing and didn't need anyone else.
Intinttin said that their clothing designs were mostly based off of their own size, and the garments they made for a college project were no different. After securing two models, they were asked by their stepsister if they needed a third model. OP's sis really loved one of the outfits and wanted to model it, but OP insisted that they had enough models for the project.

Their sis couldn't take the hint and then brought in their father in for a "conflict resolution." OP said that they didn't want to bring up their step sister's weight, but ultimately flew off the handle when Stepdad and Sis both agreed OP was being selfish. That's when OP vomited the truth as to why they didn't want step sis modelling the clothing:
"I've been saying no this whole time because I did not want to hurt her feelings. You guys wanna know the real reason? I don't think she'll be able to fit into any of the clothes I created. She's obese and I designed the clothes to fit my body type. I'm sorry."
The outbursts resulted in OP's sister crying and now all three of them "are pissed." They went to Reddit's AITA sub to ascertain who was at fault here and the responses varied.
Some people thought that OP wasn't wrong in the slightest and it seemed like Step sister and her father colluded together to help her get what she wants whenever she wants.

Then there were other people who felt that while OP certainly had the right to pick whoever they wanted to model for the event, they could've gone about handling the situation with their step sister a little differently.

But then again, there were plenty of other people who feel like the step sister was wrong for pushing the issue and going the extra mile and enlisting the help of her father to try and intervene on her behalf.

What do you think? Was OP in the wrong and could've approached the entire situation a bit differently? Or is there more going on in this story, on both sides, that it's hard to make a proper judgment call?