'Seeking Sister Wife' Stars Steve and Brenda Foley Used to Both Date His Ex-Wife

Published Aug. 1 2022, 6:30 p.m. ET
Stars of TLC's Seeking Sister Wife are venturing new territory in their own ways. While some of them have opened up their marriages before, others are going through it for the first time. Star of Season 4 Steve Foley is struggling enough since his kids don't agree with his polygamous lifestyle.
Although Steve is looking for his next wife, he's already married. So, what is she like and who is she really? She has known him for so long, she was even in a relationship with his ex-wife as well.
Let's learn more about Steve's current wife and his ex-wife...
Who is Steve Foley's current wife?
Steve is currently married to a woman named Brenda. In their introduction on Seeking Sister Wife, he said that they met eight years prior while he was still married to his ex-wife. Brenda was wearing a jersey for the local Houston football team so he took that as a good enough reason to approach her. From there, their relationship blossomed, along with her relationship with Steve's ex-wife.

Brenda Foley
According to Brenda's Instagram, she and Steve got married on Dec. 1, 2019. On the same day the following year, she celebrated their love in a post. "One crazy amazing year down, a lifetime to go," the caption said. "Happy Anniversary! I love you always."
As for other things Brenda posts on Instagram, you can see that at one point, she was into fitness and cares about autism. Although she doesn't post often, she added a pic of her with a medal from a mud challenge obstacle race in 2013.
Who is Steve Foley's ex-wife? What do we know about his first marriage?
Unfortunately for viewers, we don't see Steve's ex-wife at all on Seeking Sister Wife even though he has two teenage kids with her. They have a daughter named Jayden and a son named Preston. For now, it's not clear why Steve's ex decided not to be on the show, but her face is also blurred in all the shots of her, Steve, and Brenda.
From Seeking Sister Wife, we do know that Steve and his ex-wife were high school sweethearts who were together for 12 years. She grew up in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), but it was "purely religious" according to Steve. And she would never be open to a polygamist lifestyle.
In their intro, Steve says he and Brenda met years ago when he was with his first wife and all three of them sparked a conversation. Brenda says that she thought Steve was a "hottie" and he said the conversation "evolved" into them spending time together as a group.
Eventually, the trio realized they were dating. Steve said that there were people who were "feeding negativity" into their relationship because they didn't agree with it and, over time, his first wife left them behind. He said he took it hard because "we were happy," but it looks like his first wife couldn't have been that happy or she wouldn't have left.
You can watch Seeking Sister Wife on TLC on Mondays at 10 p.m. EST and on Discovery Plus.