Here’s Exactly How We All Feel When That Stimulus Deposit Hits (or Hasn't Yet)

Updated April 15 2020, 1:12 p.m. ET
It’s official! We’re about a month and a half into this whole social distancing thing, and the coronavirus relief stimulus checks have officially started to roll in.
These stimulus deposit memes are so relatable.
Whether you’ve received yours or are playing the waiting game, rest assured that if you’re qualified, they’re coming. And to say that some people are excited is an understatement. Folks are antsy, exuberant, and everything in between. It’s no wonder #StimulusDeposit is trending across social media.
When that stimulus deposit hits...
Unexpected money during a time of huge uncertainty? Yes, please! We can't help but feel like dancing and celebrating once that pending deposit finally clears.
What toilet paper shortage?
Okay, unfortunately the toilet paper shortage is still a real thing. But these checks dropping have people feeling temporarily bad and bougie — no matter what they're running out of.
Bonus cash is a definite mood.
If you're feeling those Fresh Prince vibes once you see the stimulus money in your bank account, you're not alone.
Makin' it rain.
Is anyone else reminded of that scene in Ozark Season 3 where the money is raining down and people are just grabbing whatever they can? Yeah. It's sort of like that. Except it comes directly to you.
And some for me... and some for me...
This meme is spot on. Bugs knows what's up. Now what to spend it on, because it's sure to go fast...
And then there are those waiting.
...and waiting, and waiting. It seems extra painful when everyone else is posting with glee about their newfound income, doesn't it?
No bank account action?
Experiencing an underwhelming lack of excitement in your bank account so far? Plenty of people are in this boat, too. Remember that the stimulus checks are rolling out over time, and you can learn more about when to expect yours if you're eligible.
A little action, please.
It can feel like you're the only one who hasn't been... um... stimulated yet. But we promise that's not the case.
*Refresh.* *Refresh.*
We can't say whether checking your account over and over again waiting for the stimulus deposit to drop will help. But who are we kidding — you're gonna go ahead and do it anyway.
The method matters.
Okay. So patience is your strong suit, and you prefer a paper check. Who are we to judge? But the competitive edge in terms of timing goes to direct deposit folks here, for sure.
Stimulus check, or vaca fund?
You decide. If you haven't already, that is. Looks like a lot of people will be Disney-bound post-pandemic!
But remember, this is relief money.
Speaking of the stimulus money going fast, there are plenty of memes out there where people are reminding themselves and others to make the deposit last.
And we're still in a pandemic, after all.
Harry, we see you. The relief funds are nice. Really, really nice. But there's still a pandemic happening, people.
Stay home, stay healthy, and spend wisely!