Student on TikTok Learns "Embarrassing" Fact About Herself After Watching Recorded Classes

Updated May 7 2023, 9:12 a.m. ET

Research has indicated that it takes anywhere from 18–254 days for something to become a habit. The "golden number" however is 66 days. So if you're trying to force yourself to make some changes in your life, like taking a multivitamin every day, eating healthier, or lighting fireworks in your backyard before you start your workday to kick off things right, then you'll need to do it consistently for a little over two months.
The same, unfortunately, goes for not-so-good habits. Like impulse buying dinosaur toys at Target (guilty) every time you visit what-Walmart-should've-been, or, you know, crack. Consistent tardiness is another habit that's pretty disrespectful and is a hard one to break when you always convince yourself, in a bad direction, that you have more time than you really do.
Sometimes it's difficult to learn these lessons, as we tend to give ourselves excuses and outs for being late to something, whether it's gatherings with friends, or — as seen with TikToker @christinemarie1509 — showing up to class.
But it's how she came to grips with her classroom tardiness that's tickling a bunch of people pink on TikTok right now.

In the now viral clip that's been liked over 880,000 times, Christine can be seen walking into a bunch of classes clearly late, as it's already commenced and there are tons of other students already seated and ready to get their learning on. Appended to the video is a caption that reads "this is embarrassing."
In the video, a text overlay reads: "I just realized every recorded lecture has a clip of me arriving late to class." She adds, "And I have the audacity to sit in the front every class."
The timestamps usually only show Christine as just running behind by a few minutes here and there, but there was one recording that shows she was 25 minutes late. Depending on the cost of her tuition, that could rack up to a few hundred dollars worth of missed in-person class time by the end of the semester.

Because the video was viewed millions and millions of times, it naturally received a lot of comments, and people had a lot of different thoughts on Christine's tardiness.
Some saw the problem as scarily relatable, and remarked that seeing a smash cut of one's foibles was hilarious.

Others were just curious as to what made Christine so late for so many class sessions on such a frequent basis.
One wrote that the discovery of her habit was pretty ironic, because the only reason she found out she was so late to every class is because she was watching class recordings to see what she missed ... because she is always late.

There were some other infallible beings with impeccable time records who expressed that being on time isn't that difficult. Then there were others who thought it wasn't that big of a deal because she was ultimately hurting herself in the long run, as she's the one who's paying to be there. Many also expressed that it was better for Christine to arrive late than to not show up at all.

Christine did divulge why she was always so late in a follow-up video, however, and it's because of her heavy course load and the fact that she's working a "side hustle."
"I just have a lot going on like a lot of people do, but engineering school is not easy, it’s a lot of work and then internship and then also I’m pursuing a side hustle at the moment, so it’s just a lot of time is being spent late at night working on all the things that I have to do," she said.