Little Girl Thinks Her Classmate Mateo Is Named Potato — See the Adorable Video

Updated Oct. 18 2023, 11:22 a.m. ET
I'm the type of person who will mishear what someone says and then ask "what?" several times and still be unable to piece together their words. It happens to the best of us and can lead to some pretty funny and embarrassing interactions.
Take it from this woman who accidentally barked at a McDonald's drive-through employee who had asked her to park. Park with a capital P. It was an honest mistake.
Well, now we have another story of someone hearing something incorrectly. But can we really blame this little girl? She was caught on camera by her mom saying her new classmate's name wrong, mistaking him for the name of a vegetable. Keep scrolling to watch the adorable video.

Mom shares video of her daughter mispronouncing her new classmate's name in the most hilarious way.
One mom with the username @twinmomtrying shared an adorable video on TikTok of her talking to her young daughter about a new classmate.
"You said you have a new student that's going to be coming tomorrow and what did you think his name was?" @twinmomtrying asks her daughter in the car.
"Um, um, Potato," says the little girl sheepishly, before adding "but it's actually Matato."
@twinmomtrying giggles before asking "Is his name Mateo?"
The little girl responds yes. Then @twinmomtrying makes her practice saying Mateo as the video ends.
Users got a kick out of the video. "Matato, potato, she was close enough," wrote one person in the comments.
Another user actually named Mateo teased that this has been happening to him his whole life.

TikTok users share the most hilarious name mispronunciations by their kids as well as their own.
As it turns out, @twinmomtrying wasn't the only parent of a child who misheard their classmate's name totally wrong. Other parents chimed in with their own stories of how their kids creatively interpreted other people's names.
"My son called his daycare friend 'Mozzarella' when her name is Esmeralda. We still call her that in the halls at school now years later," wrote one mom.

Another user wrote: “When my daughter was in Pre-K, she came home and told me about her new friend, 'Whiffer.' River. Not Whiffer."
A third shared: "My daughter had a Penelope on her t-ball team and called her banana peel and was 100 percent serious about it. Thought that was her name."

Other users remembered some of the instances when they hilariously botched other people's names as a kid.
"When I was a kid I told my mom I met a girl named 'Bert and Ernie.' It was Britney," wrote one person.
"Until high school, I thought my grandpa's middle name was 'Seesaw,' but it was 'Cecil,'" shared another.
And some users unfortunately never had that aha moment when they realized they had been mispronouncing someone's name. "In the 3rd grade, I knew a girl named Eggshell. I’m starting to think that might’ve not been her name, " read a comment.

Perhaps there would be less confusion around names if we all just donned nametags with the pronunciation of our names noted underneath. But at the same time, that's no fun. There would be nothing to laugh about.
Want more? Here are 15 words that most Americans are pronouncing wrong.