Woman Threatened by "Sugar Daddy Scammer" After She Deposited a Fake Check in Viral TikTok

Published July 5 2022, 8:41 a.m. ET

There are all kinds of people trying to separate folks from their money on the internet. It usually begins with the promise of easy money or a deal/offer that's too good to be true.
Spoiler alert: it usually is, and this TikToker who goes by Kylie and posts under the handle @billiejoelsleftnut learned that the hard way, but she did have her suspicions from the get-go.
"I think I have to go to the police station now because I was being an IDIOT you know those sugar daddy scammers on Instagram well I decided to entertain one for funsies just to see what would happen and see if it as it would work. Um, spoiler alert, it was a scam."
She continues, "This guy emails me a $3,000 check, stupidly give him my email. Also, stupidly deposit the check. So the money is currently in my bank account, but I know it's gonna bounce. I know this money doesn't actually exist. And he wanted a picture of my balance, and I was like...ummm no. I'm not doing that."
So far, so harmless, right? Well, this is where things take a turn and the "ask" part of the scam comes in: the faux sugar daddy proceeds to ask Kylie for $1,000: "And then he wanted me to send him a $1,000 Venmo. In Venmo. No, for orphanages, he wanted to donate to an orphanage."
"And I was like orphanages don't even exist in the United States. So no. And he couldn't provide me with any details of the name of the orphanage, where it was located, nothing."
The scammer apparently didn't like that she wasn't being cooperative, and attempted another method of separating the young woman from her money: intimidation.

"So anyway I blocked him on everything and then he's been texting me with like five different numbers...threatening my life and I'm really scared now, he threatened to first report me to the FBI which I know I can't get in trouble. But he can, it's fraudulent money on his end. The check's not gonna go through it's gonna bounce. Now he's made two different numbers saying that he's gonna end my life."
She continues, her voice slightly cracking, "And um, I don't even think the police have any way to track him but he has my full name. And my email. And my phone number."
She writes in a caption for the TikTok: "Anyway I was panicking for a while but I think I’m ok now cuz it’s probably some dude in another country."

The biggest things Kylie was worried about was the possibility that she could be in trouble with her bank and that somehow this scammer could get to her to seek some kind of retribution.
However, in a follow-up TikTok it seems that all of her fears were allayed. She wasn't found guilty of any wrongdoing with her bank; she called them and was informed that "this happens" and that "they've seen it before."

She also responded to comments from folks who informed her that yes, orphanages do still exist in America, and further explained her thought process in entertaining this scammer in the first place. She admits that she thought "this one's real" because the fraudster in question didn't ask for any of her banking information or to purchase a pre-paid gift card.

She said she wasn't aware that the check was fraudulent when she cashed it and only had her suspicions once he started asking her for money. That's when she began searching for similar occurrences from folks online to see if anyone else had encountered a similar type of scam before.

She said that she received a ton of "mixed reactions" from other folks who've been in similar situations with some saying that she's completely fine with others who warned that they went to jail simply by being on the receiving end of the scam.
In her "final update" on the posts, Kylie said that "the funds were taken out of my account and I am not in trouble with my bank."