23 Super Bowl 2020 Instagram Caption and Quote Ideas

Updated April 28 2021, 4:59 p.m. ET

If you didn't post a pic to Instagram this Sunday, did the Super Bowl even happen? Whether you're rooting for the Kansas City Chiefs or the San Francisco 49ers, or if you're literally just here for the snacks, you should totally feel like you can participate in the fun (even if it's just on social media). If you're looking for some punny, funny, clever, or even inspiring Super Bowl LIV caption ideas for your Instagram, look no further.
1. "Just LIVing it up watching the Super Bowl!"

Because it's the Super Bowl LIV. Get it? See also: LIVing my best life with these Super Bowl snacks!
2. "Came for the football. Stayed for the nachos."
Or sliders. Or chips. Or quesadillas. Or football-shaped cookies. You get the idea!
3. "Today I will do what others won't, so tomorrow I will do what others can't." -Jerry Rice

If you don't know who Jerry Rice is, here's a quick primer: He's a former NFL player for the 49ers, and he's considered to be one of the best wide receivers in the history of football.
4. "I like big punts and I cannot lie!"
5. "Um, where is Beyoncé?"

Jennifer Lopez and Shakira are fine, but...
6. "Some people think football is a matter of life and death. I don't like that attitude. I can assure them it is much more serious than that." -Bill Shankly
Fo the serious football fans out there.
7. "Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose." -Friday Night Lights

Even if the only football you know comes from Friday Night Lights reruns, that's okay. This quote is classique.
8. "The best Super Bowl is a super bowl of SALSA."
For when you don't actually care about football, #SorryNotSorry.
9. "Are they just winging it?"
Get it? Because hot wings?
10. "On Sundays, we watch football."
You can't go wrong with a Mean Girls reference.
11. "Get in loser, we're watching football."
Or two.
12. "Only here for the halftime show, TBH."
And the commercials, not gonna lie.
13. "This is my game face."
[Insert selfie here]
14. "Nothing better than a man in uniform."

It's okay to get a little CHEEKY.
15. "Super Bowl Sunday: The best day of the year to go to Trader Joe's."
No but really. You get all the aisles to yourself. See also: In 'n Out, Costco, Target, etc.
16. "The only fouls today are double-dipping, my friends."
Again, for the snack-centered.
17. "Keep calm and football on."
For those who cannot resist a "Keep Calm" caption.
18. "That ain't it, Chiefs."

This one speaks for itself.
19. "Beer? Check. Jersey? Check. Hot wings? Also check."
All the essentials.
20. "I'm nacho friend if you're not rooting for the 49ers."
Or the Chiefs. You do you.
21. "But first, chips and dip."
When snacks = life.
22. "Nothing finer than a 49er."
It's short and sweet and it rhymes!
23. "It feels great, baby."

One from Jimmy G. himself.