Social Media Users Explain How “Super Straight” Is Transphobia, Not a Sexuality

Updated March 14 2021, 5:49 p.m. ET
After TikTok user Kyle Royce claimed to be “super straight” — and seemingly started a movement of like-minded people — other users, including @procrasclass, pointed out how the invented “sexuality” is nothing but transphobia.
(Content warning: Transphobic statements ahead.)
What is the "super straight" movement on TikTok?
“Yo, guys, I made a new sexuality now, actually,” Kyle told viewers in a now-deleted TikTok reposted by a Twitter account @OGSuperstraight. “It’s called ‘super straight,’ OK? Since … I get called transphobic because I wouldn’t date a trans woman.”
The TikTok user claimed he couldn’t be transphobic because that’s just his “sexuality.”
Kyle then relayed a conversation he’d have with those who’d call him transphobic: “You know, they’re like, ‘Would you date a trans woman?’ ‘No.’ ‘Why? That’s a female.’ ‘Uh, no, like, that’s not a real woman to me. Like, I want a real woman.’ ‘No, you’re just transphobic.’”
He went on: “So now, I’m super straight. I only date the opposite gender — women — that are born women. So, you can’t say I’m transphobic now because that’s just my sexuality, you know?”
(Fact check: Sexuality does not preclude transphobia or other gender-based biases.)
Kyle says he has been banned on TikTok.
In his TikTok bio, Kyle says he’s banned on the platform, and he directs followers to his Instagram account and a GoFundMe campaign of his.
As of the time of this writing, Kyle’s GoFundMe campaign raised only $90 out of its $100,000 goal — perhaps because Kyle is trying to hit a goal of $100k for a campaign under the “Rent, Food, & Monthly Bills” category.
TikTok user @procrasclass set Kyle super straight, so to speak.
In a response to videos like Kyle’s, TikTok user @procrasclass pointed out that the “super straight” definition implies that “men who date trans women are less straight” and that “trans women are men and therefore not women, which is not only transphobic but scientifically inaccurate.”
@procrasclass also refutes the argument that “super straight” is just a preference and not transphobia.
“It’s not a preference,” @procrasclass says in the clip. “If a white woman says she dates white guys, that means she dates white guys more often, but Black guys aren’t off the table. Versus, ‘I won’t date you because you’re black,’ which means that she thinks there’s something inherently wrong with Black people, even if she doesn’t consciously think so. The exact same thing applies to what you’re saying.”
The TikTok user continued: “Also, I think it’s really funny that you think you’re super straight. You like women, but you’re excluding an entire group of women. If a plumber only works on shower drains and refuses to work on sinks, we don’t call him a ‘super plumber.’ If anything, you’re semi-straight, or straight-impaired. ‘Huh. Maybe I should reexamine my prejudice.”
Twitter users are also calling out the “super straight” movement.
The so-called “Super Straight Revolution” is going over like a lead balloon on Twitter, too. On that platform, one user wrote, “To all the people who are #superstraight, remember: You are transphobic, you are desperate for attention, you aren’t part of the LGBTQ+ community, you are making a mockery of the LGBTQ+ community, you aren't oppressed. Just out with it and say you’re transphobic.”
There's even a "super straight" flag now.
Another person urged Twitter users to retweet images of the transgender and nonbinary flags to “scare an open transphobe.”
And a third user proposed a flag for the “super straight” identity: An image of “Danger,” “Caution,” and “Do Not Cross” tapes.